TM 10-6640-216-13&P
Turn on ceiling LIGHT switch (Figure 2-3).
Turn on ECU compressor circuit breakers (Figure 2-8) and refer to TM 5-4120-
378-14 for operation.
Close and secure entrance door.
Remove shipping straps from fire extinguishers (Figure 1-4) and RVP bombs.
Store brackets in overpack box.
Unlatch analytical balance cover from vibration dampening support and remove
Remove aneroid barometer from cabinet No. 8 top drawer and mount on roadside
wall next to manometer on mounting hanger.
Remove flashpoint tester heater unit and accessories from storage cabinet No. 6,
roadside, and mount on countertop below gas detector-alarm system as follows:
Place the cover with operating mechanism into the test cup and then place
on the air bath.
Install the main gas line tube into the 1/4 inch pipe tee using 3/4 inch open
end wrench.
Place the test cup holder on the main gas line tube at a convenient height
and tighten thumb screw.
Install the motor support rod into the base and tighten set screw in base to
secure rod.
Install the stirrer motor on the support rod.
Connect the flexible cable from the cover assembly to the motor and adjust
motor to angle with best freedom of motion of flexible cable.
Place propane cylinder into mounting cup next to flash point tester.
Connect gas inlet to propane cylinder and verify that the gas line tube
needle valve is closed.
Remove petroleum test bombs from cabinet No. 8 and mount on mounting hooks
next to RVP bombs and gages.
This paragraph provides the operator of the Airmobile Laboratory with the procedures necessary to
operate the basic laboratory systems such as the electrical system, water system, and vacuum-air