TM 10-6640-216-13&P
1-8. SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLING - continued.
Make sure that glass vacuum apparatus is properly shielded when it is in use.
Always wear goggles when opening air valves that are close to the face.
Make sure that chemical containers having vent caps are inspected, and that
containers which do not have vent caps are vented periodically.
Keep containers of volatile liquids as cool as possible. Exercise caution in releasing
any pressure which may have formed in the container; always release the pressure
gradually. Remove caps or stoppers periodically to vent the vapor. The practice of
venting containers of volatile liquids does not apply to those samples collected for
vapor pressure tests.
Vent separator funnels frequently when shaking volatile liquids. Always wrap the
funnel with a rag when shaking an extremely volatile liquid.
Store propane cylinders in the propane stowage locker, away from heat or ignition
Controlling Fumes. The following safety precautions are presented to aid operators of
the Airmobile Laboratory in controlling toxic fumes.
Make certain the laboratory is properly ventilated at all times.
Perform all gas alarm system tests and calibrations as specified to ensure proper
operation of system.
If any material is spilled which gives off toxic fumes, all personnel should leave the
area immediately and return only after the area has been adequately purged.
Electrical Safety. The following electrical safety precautions apply to all operators and
maintenance personnel for the Airmobile Laboratory.
Equipment producing a tingle sensation will be reported promptly for repair.
Keep the use of extension cords to a minimum and the cords as short as possible. Be
sure insulation and wire size are adequate for the voltage and current to be carried.
Work on electrical devices should be done after the power has been disconnected or
shut off, and suitable precautions taken to keep the power off during the work.
Never use metallic pencils or rulers, or wear rings or watches when working on
electrical equipment.
Avoid using or storing flammable liquids near electrical equipment.