TM 1-8415-216-12&P
e. DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) (Column 5). This column includes the
following information:
(1) The Federal item name and, when required a minimum description to identify the
(2) The physical security classification of the item is indicated by the parenthetical
entry (insert applicable security classification abbreviation. e.g., Phy Sec C1 (C) -
Confidential, Phy Sec C1 (S) - Secret, Phy Sec C1 (T) - Top Secret.
(3) Items that are included in kits and sets are listed below the name of the kit or set.
(4) Spare/repair parts that make up an assembled item are listed below the name of
the kit or set.
(5) Part numbers for bulk materials are referenced in this column in the line item en-
try for the item to be manufactured/fabricated.
(6) When the item is not used with all serial numbers of the same model, the effec-
tive serial numbers are shown on the last line(s) of the description (before UOC).
(7) The usable on code, when applicable, (see paragraph 5, Special information).
(8) In the Special Tools List section, the basis of issue (BOI) appears as the last
lines(s) in the entry for each special tool, special TMDE, and other special sup-
port equipment. When density of equipments supported exceeds density spread
indicated in the basis of issue, the total authorization is increased proportionately.
(9) The statement, END OF FIGURE appears just below the last item description in
Column 5 for a given figure in both Section II and Section Ill.
f. QTY (Column 6). The QTY (quantity per figure column indicates the quantity of the
item used in the breakout shown on the illustration figure, which is prepared for a
functional group, subfunctional group, or an assembly. A V appearing in this col-
umn in lieu of a quantity indicates that a quantity is variable and the quantity may
vary from application to application.