CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION1-6. SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLINGSection II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA1-9. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 1-3. Additionally Authorized Items of AIHS1-10. EQUIPMENT DATA1-11. EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATIONSection Ill. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONd. Strap Assemb!y, Chin f. Communication Systemg. Dual Visor Assemblyj. Cowling for MBU-12/P Oxygen Mask I. Electrooptic Helmet Sight System (EOHSS) Module n. Helmet Bag Assembly o. Oxygen Mask Communications Adapter p. Adapter, Microphone q. Lining, Helmet, Shock, M45 Mask s. CEP Modification Kitt. Maxillofacial Shield CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-1-8415-216-12P_47Figure 2-2. Chinstrap and Nape Strapd. Boom and Microphone f. V-1 ANVIS Center Mount g. Mount for Offset ANVIS Goggles i. Cowling for MBU-12/P Oxygen Mask j. EOHSS Single Visor Assembly ModuleSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-1-8415-216-12P_54TABLE 2-1. OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (continued) - TM-1-8415-216-12P_56OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (continued) - TM-1-8415-216-12P_57Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-1-8415-216-12P_582-5.1. DONNING/REMOVING CEP (CEP-EQUIPPED HELMETS ONLY)Figure 2-8.2. CEP Connected to Extension Cordb. Removing CEP2-6. OPERATION OF STANDARD COMPONENTSc. Raising/lowering visors FOR LASER-PROTECTIVE VISORSe. Operating communications system2-7. OPERATION OF ADDITIONALLY AUTHORIZED ITEMSFigure 2-14. MFS AttachmentCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 3-1. Operators Troubleshooting Procedures (continued)Section III. OPERATORS MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTable 3-2. Cleaning Tasks (continued)CHAPTER 4 AVIATION UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection Ill. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)TABLE 4-1. Aviation Unit Preventative Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 4-1. Aviation Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-1-8415-216-12P_76Table 4-1. Aviation Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-1-8415-216-12P_77Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-1-8415-216-12P_78Table 4-2. Aviation Unit Maintenance Troubleshooting Procedures (continued)Aviation Unit Maintenance Troubleshooting Procedures (continued) - TM-1-8415-216-12P_80Aviation Unit Maintenance Troubleshooting Procedures (continued) - TM-1-8415-216-12P_81Aviation Unit Maintenance Troubleshooting Procedures (continued) - TM-1-8415-216-12P_82Section V. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFigure 4-6. Determining Head Length for Helmet Sizing4-11 .a Fitting Procedure for the HGU-56/PFigure 4-8. Spacer Kit, Earcup FlyersFigure 4-9. Headband Fitting Pads4-11b. Fitting Procedure for HGU-56/P with the M45 CB MaskFigure 4-9.1. Brow Pad, M45INITIAL FITTING OF THE HELMET4-12. Lining, Helmet, Shock (TPL) Custom-Fitting.Figure 4-11. Squeezing Lining, Helmet, Shock (TPL)Figure 4-12. Holding Lining, Helmet, Shock (TPL) and Nape Strap PadCheck nose centering and clearance4-12.1 INSTALLATION OF CEP MODIFICATION KIT (CEP-EQUIPPED HELMETS ONLY)Figure 4-12.2. Template Placed on HelmetFigure 4-12.3. Connector Installationb. Attaching CEP Interface Harness (CEP900-I04) to Earcupsc. Checking Earcup Fit4-13. Removing and Replacing Standard Components.Installation - TM-1-8415-216-12P_102b. Lining, helmet, shock (TPL)/clothc. Strap assembly, chin.Figure 4-20. Strap Assembly, Chin Attachment Pointsd. Shell, earphone assembly.Installation - TM-1-8415-216-12P_107e. Microphone Boomf. Communications AssemblyFigure 4-25. Removing Lining, Helmet, Shock (EAL)Figure 4-27.1. Ground Lug and WireHelmets equipped with a CEP-integrated communications cordFigure 4-29. Communications Assemblyg. Cap-Plug, Protective.h. Dual visor assembly repairFigure 4-31. Dual Visor Assemblyi. Replacing Lining, helmet, shock (TPL)a. Converting Cobra dual visor module.Assembly - TM-1-8415-216-12P_120Figure 4-34. AH-1 Sight InstalledFigure 4-36. Magnetic Coupler and CableFigure 4-37. Conductor Lead PatternFigure 4-38. ANVIS V-2 Mount InstalledInstallation - TM-1-8415-216-12P_125AH-1 sight installed on the Cobra visor housingb. Cobra dual visor module repair.Figure 4-47. Cobra Dual Visor ModuleThe square hole c. Replacing Cobra visor module with standard dual visor assemblyFigure 4-51. Side Leg of Cobra HousingThe square holed. Removing Standard Headset and Installing TEMPEST headsetFigure 4-56. Communication Cord Strain Relief Screw and Communication Jack Retaining PlateFigure 4-58. TEMPEST Headset8. Insert the communications cord grommete. Attaching Cowling Kit to Oxygen Mask.Figure 4-60. Straps Attached to Cowlingf. Installing Oxygen Mask Bayonet ReceiversFigure 4-62. Positioning Oxygen Mask and Marking Receiver HoleFigure 4-63. Bayonet Receivers and Mounting HardwareFigure 4-64. Measuring Distance for Holeg. Installing V-1 ANVIS mount on dual visor assembly.Figure 4-67. Cover, AccessFigure 4-70. Moleskin Patches Installedh. Replacing Brow Pad. M45i. Replacing Lining, Helmet. Shock (TPL) M45j. installing HGU-56/P Field Change Kitk. Removing/Replacing Communications Assembly with CEP Modification Kit AttachedFigure 4-79. Removing Energy-Absorbing LinerFigure 4-82. Interface Harness Connected to Communications CordFigure 4-85. Boom and MicrophoneFigure 4-86. Communications AssemblyFigure 4-87. Interface Harness Connected to Communications CordCommunications cord connector4-15. Helmet shell repair and spot-paintingPaintingTo minimize health risks and safety concerns4-16. Repairing edge beadingCHAPTER 5 AIR FORCE GUIDANCE FOR HGU-56/P HELMETSection II. AIR FORCE STANDARD ITEMSTABLE 5-2. COMMUNICATION CORDSTABLE 5-3. CEP KIT P/N 900-K04A ITEM PART LISTCommunication test set5-8. CEP Fitting Techniques5-9. Extension Cable P/N CEP199-X01Figure 5-2. Routing of Extension Cable for AERP Mask5-10. Maintenance of Foam Tips and CEPFigure 5-3. Bottom (inside) Attachment of the Hook and Loop FastenerZetaliner placement in helmet Figure 5-5. Zetaliner Length Measurement TABLE 5-4. SIZING CHART FOR THE OREGON AERO ZETALINER5-13. Mike Lite (lip light)Figure 5-7. ZTS MBTc. Lip light Inspection.APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-1-8415-216-12P_176A-5. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PAMPHLETS (DA PAM)A-8. TECHNICAL MANUALS (TM) ContinuedAPPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART(2) Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) B-2. USE OF THE MACB-3. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONSB-4. FUNCTIONAL GROUPSSECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-1-8415-216-12P_185SECTION III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENTSECTION IV. REMARKSTEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONSAPPENDIX C COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSSection II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-1-8415-216-12P_190APPENDIX D ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection II. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection II. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTAPPENDIX E EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-1-8415-216-12P_198EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (continued)APPENDIX F REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST(1) Source Code - TM-1-8415-216-12P_202( 2 )Maintenance Code.(b) The maintenance code entered (3) Recoverability Code - TM-1-8415-216-12P_205e. DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE F-4. EXPLANATION-OF COLUMNSF-5. SPEClAL INFORMATIONF-6. HOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTSFigure F-1. Aircrew Integrated Helmet SystemSection II. REPAIR PART LISTDESCRIPTION USABLE ON CODE - TM-1-8415-216-12P_212DESCRIPTION USABLE ON CODE - TM-1-8415-216-12P_213Figure F-2. Helmet AssemblyDESCRIPTION USABLE ON CODE - TM-1-8415-216-12P_215DESCRIPTION USABLE ON CODE - TM-1-8415-216-12P_216Figure F-3. Dual Visor AssemblyDESCRIPTION USABLE ON CODE - TM-1-8415-216-12P_218Figure F-4. Lining, Helmet, Shock, (TPL) Liner, Helmet, ClothFigure F-5. Shell, Earphone AssemblyFigure F-6. Cord Assembly, ElectricalFigure F-7. Stuffing Tube (SAB)Figure F-8. Microphone ShieldFigure F-9. Dual Visor AssemblyDESCRIPTION USABLE ON CODE - TM-1-8415-216-12P_225Section IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEXSTOCK NUMBER - TM-1-8415-216-12P_227PART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER - TM-1-8415-216-12P_229PART NUMBER - TM-1-8415-216-12P_230PART NUMBER - TM-1-8415-216-12P_231