TM 1-1510-225-MTF
b. LANDING GEAR POWER circuit breaker (under
floor in cabin) tripped.
c. Landing gear power safety control circuit breaker
(under floor in cabin) tripped.
d. Landing gear power sense circuit breaker (under
floor in cabin) tripped.
e. Landing gear safety power circuit breaker (under
floor in cabin) tripped
f. Faulty power pack motor.
g. Faulty power relay.
h. Faulty remote-controlled circuit breaker (RCCB),
(under floor in cabin).
i. Defective landing gear control switch.
j. Defective wiring.
Landing gear fails to retract.
a. Safety switch not closing.
b. Pressure switch not closing.
c. Gear selector valve stuck.
d. Circuit is open between the selector valve and the
power relay.
e. Time delay circuit opening prematurely.
f. Hand pump handle improperly stowed.
g. Service valve in up position.
h. Defective landing gear control switch.
i. Defective wiring.
Landing gear fails to extend.
a. Service valve switches faulty.
b. Landing gear selector valve stuck in up position.
c. Control switch not providing power to the extend
side of selector valve.
d. Defective limit switch.
e. Defective landing gear control switch.