TM 1-1510-225-MTF
25. Slowly retard the left POWER lever to flight idle and
determine the minimum N1 required to maintain
cabin pressure. Verify that cabin pressurization is
maintained down to flight idle N1.
26. Right BLEED AIR VALVES switch - OPEN.
27. Cabin pressurization controller - Set to 500 feet
above field elevation.
Check as follows:
In smooth air, at cruise power, the aircraft will fly hands off,
straight and level with the ailerons symmetrically aligned at
the trailing edge and the aileron adjustable tab set to zero.
Ensure that sufficient POWER lever travel is available at
16,000 feet to produce a ITT of 800°C or an N1 of 101.5%.
Check the that maximum ITT or N1 is available at the maxi-
mum POWER lever position as follows:
The only requirement of the maximum ITT/N, is
to verify that it is possible to obtain maximum
allowable gas generator RPM (N,) or reach the
ITT limit with the POWER levers in the full for-
ward position. If during the test the ITT tempera-
ture limit or N1 limit is obtained prior to reaching
maximum N1. the check is completed.
1. Altitude - 16,000 feet pressure altitude.
2. PROP levers - Set 2000 RPM.
3. Ice vanes - Retracted.
4. BLEED AIR VALVES switches (2) - OPEN.
5. Airspeed - As required
6. POWER levers - Full forward (do not exceed ITT
and/or N1. Maximum N1 is 101.5%. Maximum ITT
is 780°C.