TM 1-1510-225-10
5. Press the ENT button again to approve
the waypoint page. The cursor will
position over the to waypoint identifier.
6. Use the left inner and outer knobs to enter
the identifier of the to waypoint.
7. Press the ENT button to view the waypoint
page on the right side for the waypoint just
8. Press the ENT button to approve the
waypoint page. The distance, bearing,
and estimated time en route are now
displayed, as shown in Figure 3D-92.
671NM 093o
246KT 2:43
FF: 00600.0
F REQ 2132
Figure 3D-92. TRI 3 Page
If true airspeed and wind information were
entered on the TRI 0 page, the groundspeed displayed
is a result of those inputs applied to the direction of
flight specified on the TRI 3 page. A different
groundspeed may be entered by using the left outer
knob to position the cursor over each digit of the
groundspeed and using the left inner knob to select
each individual digit.
If data is entered for FF and RES, as described
for the TRI 1 page, the fuel required for the trip is now
displayed. Fuel flow and reserve fuel entries made on
the TRI 3 page also input this same data on the TRI 1
and the TRI 5 pages.
a. Turn off the cursor function and select
the TRI 4 page. The minimum ESA
and a listing of areas of special use
airspace along the route are displayed.
Refer to Figure 3D-93. If all the areas
of special use airspace wont fit on one
page, there will be multiple TRI 4
pages indicated by TRI+4.
ESA 7100FT
Figure 3D-93. TRI 4 Page
d. The Trip Planning 5 and 6 Pages. The TRI
5 and 6 pages are used to do trip planning for any one
of the previously entered flight plans. The KLN 90B
does not have to be receiving GPS signals in order to
use these pages.
1. Select the TRI 5 page on the left side.
Refer to Figure 3D-94.
2. Press the left CRSR button to turn on the
left cursor function.
FP 7 750NM
217KT 3:27
FF: 00600.0
F REQ 2569
Figure 3D-94. TRI 5 Page.
3. Rotate the left inner knob to select the
desired flight plan. The first and last
waypoints in the selected flight plan are
displayed on the second line. The
distance and the estimated time en route
are also displayed. There is no bearing
displayed since a flight plan can have up
to 30 waypoints that create 29 flight plan
If true airspeed and wind information were
entered on the TRI 0 page, the groundspeed displayed
is the average groundspeed for the flight plan. It is the
result of those inputs applied to each leg of the flight