TM 1-1510-225-10
Figure 3B-148. Corrective RA Operational Situation
Reversal advisory displays will also initiate an
aural annunciation of "Climb, Climb Now; Climb, Climb
Now" or "Descend, Descend Now; Descend, Descend
k. Preventive RA. Figure 3B -149 shows a
preventive RA display. Your aircraft is descending at
1700 fpm. The red arc advises that you should not
climb at any vertical speed to avoid the threat aircraft
at 12 o'clock and 600 feet above you. When this traffic
was upgraded from a TA to a RA display an aural
annunciation of "Monitor Vertical Speed, Monitor
Vertical Speed" would have been heard.
Proximate traffic is also shown in this display.
The solid diamond at 11 o'clock and 3.5 miles is
700 feet above your own altitude and descending.
The other proximate traffic at 2 o'clock and 4 miles is
100 feet below and climbing. Neither of these
intruders poses a threat.
If the threat aircraft maneuvers to cause a new
conflict before the RA clears, a corrective RA may be
issued, over-riding the preventive RA.
l. No-Bearing Messages. When an intruder is
detected but no bearing can be determined for the
aircraft, a no-bearing message is displayed in slot 6
(and slot 7 if two, or more aircraft produce this
situation; highest priority will be displayed first). A No
Bearing Message is displayed in Figure 3B-150. The
yellow TA indicates that the intruder is causing a traffic
alert. The 1.2 indicates a distance to the intruder of
1.2 miles.
The 00 indicates that the intruder is level at your
own altitude. An RA No Bearing Message, displayed
in red, would be interpreted the same.
m. Clear of Conflict. When the range of an
intruder responsible for causing an RA begins to
increase, its conflict is considered to be resolved. If
more than one intruder is involved in an RA, all
conflicts must be resolved before the clear-of-conflict
message will be issued. When this occurs, "Clear of
Conflict" will be annunciated.
n. Failure Indications.
(1) Figure 3B -151 shows a TCAS flag,
indicating failure of the TCAS and no range ring is
displayed. Normal vertical speed operation is not
affected. If the display is a result of a self-test being
completed, the aural message, "TCAS System Test
Fail" will be annunciated.
(2) Figure 3B-152 shows an RA and a V/S
flag indicating failure of the vertical speed indicator. If