TM 1-1510-225-10
e. Lateral Deviation. The pointer and scale are
located on the bottom center of the ADI. The pointer
moves a maximum of 2.5 dots. The scale consists
of two white dots on either side of a white center index.
The lateral deviation pointer is a white rectangle
with two magenta bars for VOR, or non-approach FMS
navigation sources. The rising runway serves as the
lateral deviation pointer for LOC, BC, and approach
FMS course sources. Back course deviation is
reversed on the ADI when the B/C is set via the flight
director control panel.
If the navigation source is invalid or missing, the
course source annunciation is boxed in red and the
pointer, rising runway (LOC, BC, or FMS approach),
and lateral deviation scale are removed from the
The FMS Navigation warning indicates that the
information accuracy is in question but usable. The
FMS navigation solution remains displayed but the
color changes to yellow.
f. Rate of Turn Indicator. The indicator
displays turn rate information. It is located below the
lateral deviation scale and consists of a three bar scale
with an indicator shown as a white bar outlined in
black. The pointer will deflect either left or right
indicating the turn rate in that direction. The pointer
moves a maximum of 2 bars, twice the standard rate
turn. Refer to Table 3B-2.
Heading data is used to calculate the rate of
turn. If this source is flagged, the rate of turn goes
invalid. The pointer and scale are removed when the
rate of turn is invalid.
Table 3B-2. Rate of Turn Scale
2 Needle
Widths (1
Standard Rate
4 Pointer
Standard Rate
g. Rising Runway. The rising runway is shown
in green, white, and magenta, outlined in black when
the course source is a localizer, back course, or FMS
approach mode. During localizer or FMS approach
deviation, the pointer is a trapezoidal runway symbol.
When the radio altitude reaches 200 feet while in LOC,
BC, or FMS approach mode, the runway symbol starts
to rise. The symbol achieves maximum height when
the radio altitude is at a value of zero feet. The rising
runway correlates to approximately the bottom of the
aircraft symbol. If the Localizer or FMS deviation is
invalid or unavailable the rising runway will be
removed. If the radio altitude fails the rising runway
does not rise.
h. Radio Altitude Display. Radio altitude is
displayed in white above the decision height readout
area. The display appears automatically when within
the radio altitude range (2500 feet) and changes to 50-
foot increments between 2500 and 1000 feet, 10-foot
increments between 999 and 100 feet, and 5 -foot
increments below 99 feet.
Loss of radio altitude data will cause loss
of the TCAS II due to the absence of
required input data.
Radio altitude data is rate-limited to prevent
nuisance radio altimeter changes as the result of fast
changing data (uneven terrain). The digital readout
will blank for valid radio altitude data less than 0 feet or
over 2500 feet.
When a failure is detected, the radio altitude
display is dashed red and the black letters RA in a
solid red box is annunciated. DH set and the DH
annunciator are also removed.
i. Decision Height Set Readout. Decision
height set is displayed in the lower right corner and is
green. If the radio altimeter system fails, the decision
height readout is removed.
When the radio altitude is at or below the DH
setting, the yellow letters DH appear in the right center
portion of the ADI or PFD display. The DH
annunciation flashes for 10 seconds after it appears.
Once the DH annunciation appears, it will be removed
when the radio altitude climbs at least 25 feet above
the decision height setting or if the radio altitude is less
than 10 feet. If the radio altimeter system fails, the
decision height annunciator is removed and the radio
altitude flag appears.
j. Fast/Slow Deviation and Pointer. Speed
deviation indicates whether the aircraft is fast or slow
relative to an established reference. The speed
deviation scale consists of four white dots with the
letters F and S to the left of the top and bottom dots.
The scale is located on the left side of the ADI. The
speed deviation pointer is a magenta diamond outlined
in white. The scale is relative to FMS speed (FSPD)
associated with FMS 1. Whenever FMS speed is
available the letters FSPD in white is positioned below
the scale. When selected, Fast/Slow input is invalid