TM 1-1510-225-10
provided at the programmed angle when the waypoint
becomes the vertical TO waypoint.
(b) Programming Path Descents Using
Default FPA. The pilot can select the default FPA, set
on the VNAV Data page, by pressing the BACK key
when the cursor is on the FPA field of the VNAV
Waypoint page. The FPA field displays (DEF) and
vertical deviation is provided at the programmed angle
when the waypoint becomes the vertical TO waypoint.
(c) Programming Path Descents Using
Manual FPA. The pilot can enter a desired flight path
angle on the VNAV Waypoint page. The FPA field
displays (DEF) and vertical deviation is provided at the
programmed angle when the waypoint becomes the
vertical TO waypoint.
(d) Programming Path Descents Using
Automatic FPA. The (AUTO) mode is provided to link
together descent waypoints that have cross at type
constraints and provide a computed flight path angle
between them.
The (AUTO) mode may be selected only if the
chosen waypoint has a cross at type constraint
programmed. All cross at waypoints that are a part of
a STAR or approach are automatically put into (AUTO)
mode when the procedure is retrieved from the
database and loaded onto the active flight plan.
If the waypoint prior to the selected (AUTO) FPA
waypoint has a cross at or above, cross at or below, or
cross between constraint programmed, an automatic
angle of the programmed default angle on VNAV Data
page is assigned. Vertical deviation is provided at the
programmed angle when the waypoint becomes the
descent reference waypoint.
If no ALT constraints are programmed
before the selected AUTO FPA waypoint,
the AUTO FPA is the same as the DEF FPA.
Unless an FPA is programmed at a
waypoint, the system uses the DEF FPA to
the first waypoint on the flight plan with an
altitude constraint to establish #TOD. To
help establish #TOD, the system will
automatically load the destination airport
elevation on the flight plan, provided the
flight plan was not obtained from AFIS. An
altitude constraint and FPA must be
programmed to establish a path descent
and activate vertical deviation.
(2) Editing Altitude Constraints. The pilot
subsequent VNAV pages, referred to as VNAV Flight
Plan pages, by using the VNAV page or the VNAV
Waypoint page.
(a) Editing Altitude Constraints Using
VNAV Page.
1. VNAV key Press to display
VNAV 1/2 page. The altitude
constraint may be changed on this
page if the current TO waypoint
has a constraint programmed.
Type the altitude in the altitude
field. All parameters associated
with the previous constraint will
remain unchanged (that is, FPA,
A, B, G, or OFFSET).
2. VNAV key Press to position the
cursor over the desired waypoint
3. Line select key Press to position
waypoint altitude.
4. Altitude constraint Insert new
altitude constraint followed by A
(at or above) or B (at or below), if
applicable. Any altitude entered
greater than the transition level is
converted and displayed as FL
(flight level, rounded off to the
nearest hundred feet). An altitude
less than 1000 feet must be
entered with a preceding zero.
5. ENTER key Press.
(b) Editing Altitude Constraints Using
VNAV Waypoint Page.
1. NAV, FPL, or D key Press to
display applicable page.
2. Line select key Press to position
cursor over desired waypoint.
On Navigation pages, only the TO waypoint
can be selected.
3. VNAV key Press to display
VNAV Waypoint page for selected
4. ALT Insert altitude constraint
followed by A (at or above) or B