CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-1-1510-225-10_9AIRCRAFT DESIGNATION SYSTEM. - TM-1-1510-225-10_10CHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS AND OPERATION - TM-1-1510-225-10_11Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement Right Side (Sheet 1 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement Left Side (Sheet 2 of 6)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement Top (Sheet 3 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement Bottom (Sheet 4 of 6)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement Bottom (Sheet 5 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement T3 (Sheet 6 of 6) Figure 2-2. Principal DimensionsFigure 2-3. Ground Turning Radius LANDING GEAR SYSTEMFigure 2-4. Exhaust and Propeller Danger Areas Figure 2-5. Subpanels R (Sheet 1 of 8)Figure 2-5. Subpanels R (Sheet 2 of 8) Figure 2-5. Subpanels R (Sheet 3 of 8) Figure 2-5. Subpanels T3 (Sheet 4 of 8) Figure 2-5. Subpanels T3 (Sheet 5 of 8) Figure 2-5. Subpanels F3 (Sheet 6 of 8)Figure 2-5. Subpanels F3 (Sheet 7 of 8) Figure 2-5. Subpanels T3 F3 (Sheet 8 of 8)Figure 2-6. Circuit Breaker Panel R (Sheet 1 of 5) Figure 2-6. Circuit Breaker Panel T3 OSA (Sheet 2 of 5) Figure 2-6. Circuit Breaker Panel T3 ANG (Sheet 3 of 5) Figure 2-6. Circuit Breaker Panel F3 OSA (Sheet 4 of 5)Landing Gear Warning SystemNose Wheel Steering System. The aircraft Figure 2-7. Cockpit ENTRANCE AND EXIT PROVISIONS - TM-1-1510-225-10_37Figure 2-8. Cabin and Cargo Doors Cabin Emergency Exit Hatch.Pilot's and Copilot's Seat Belts and Shoulder HarnessesSection II. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT - TM-1-1510-225-10_41Figure 2-10. Engine (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 2-10. Engine (Sheet 2 of 2)FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE CONTROL - TM-1-1510-225-10_44ENGINE FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-225-10_45Figure 2-11. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension R (Sheet 1 of 7) Figure 2-11. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension R (Sheet 2 of 7) Figure 2-11. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension R (Sheet 3 of 7) Figure 2-11. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension T3 F3 (Sheet 4 of 7) Figure 2-11. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension T3 OSA (Sheet 5 of 7) Figure 2-11. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension T3 ANG (Sheet 6 of 7) Figure 2-11. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension F3 OSA (Sheet 7 of 7) CONDITION LEVERS.Figure 2-12. Engine Fire Detection SystemFigure 2-13. Engine Fire Detection System T3 F3 OSA Figure 2-14. Engine Fire Detection System T3 F3 ANG Figure 2-15. Engine Fire Extinguisher System RFire Extinguisher TEST SWITCH.AUTO IGNITION SYSTEM. - TM-1-1510-225-10_59Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel R (Sheet 1 of 8) Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel R (Sheet 2 of 8) Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel T3 OSA ANG (Sheet 3 of 8) Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel T3 OSA ANG (Sheet 4 of 8) Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel F3 OSA (Sheet 5 of 8) Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel F3 OSA (Sheet 6 of 8) Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel F3 ANG (Sheet 7 of 8) Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel F3 ANG (Sheet 8 of 8) Engine Torquemeters. Two torquemeters Engine Instruments T3 Fuel Flow Indicator. Engine Instruments F3Section IV. FUEL SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-225-10_72Figure 2-18. Fuel System Schematic Figure 2-19. Fuel Management Panel Figure 2-20. Crossfeed Fuel Flow Figure 2-21. Gravity Feed Fuel Flow Fuel Transfer PumpsTable 2-4. Fuel Sump Drain Locations FUEL SYSTEM MANAGEMENT - TM-1-1510-225-10_79Section V. FLIGHT CONTROLS - TM-1-1510-225-10_80Figure 2-22. Control Wheels R (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-22. Control Wheels T3 F3 (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 2-23. Control LocksTRIM TABSSection VI. PROPELLERSLOW PITCH STOPSynchrophaser Control Box.Section VII. UTILITY SYSTEMS - TM-1-1510-225-10_88Manual OperationAutomatic OperationWINDSHIELD ELECTROTHERMAL ANTI-ICE SYSTEMPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-225-10_92OXYGEN SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-225-10_93Figure 2-24. Oxygen System - TM-1-1510-225-10_94Table 2-5. Oxygen Flow Planning Rates Vs Altitude (All Flows in LPM Per Mask at NTPD) Table 2-6. Oxygen Duration in MinutesUse Of Pilot and Copilot Oxygen Masks. CHEMICAL TOILET.Figure 2-26. Environmental System Aft Vent Blower SwitchForward Evaporator. Cooling Mode. Section IX. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFigure 2-27. DC Electrical System Schematic R Table 2-7. DC Electrical System Table 2-7. DC Electrical System R (Continued) Figure 2-28. DC Electrical System SchematicTable 2-8. DC Electrical System T3 Table 2-8. DC Electrical System T3 (Continued) Figure 2-29. DC Electrical System Schematic Table 2-9. DC Electrical System F3able 2-9. DC Electrical System F3 (Continued)Figure 2-30. Single Phase AC Electrical System R (Sheet 1 of 3) Figure 2-30. Single Phase AC Electrical System T3 F3 ANG (Sheet 2 of 3) Figure 2-30. Single Phase AC Electrical System T3 F3 OSA (Sheet 3 of 3) figure 2-31 Overhead Control PanelFigure 2-31. Overhead Control Panel T3 F3 (Sheet 2 of 2) AC POWER SUPPLY.Section X. LIGHTING Figure 2-32. Exterior Lighting - TM-1-1510-225-10_120Cabin Lighting.STATIC AIR SYSTEM.Description F3STANDBY BAROMETRIC ALTIMETERCopilot's Pneumatic Altimeter. STANDBY ATTITUDE INDICATORStandby Attitude Indicator Controls, Indicators, and FunctionsTable 2-12. Standby Attitude Indicator Control / Functions FREE AIR TEMPERATURE (FAT) GAUGECaution/Advisory Annunciator Panel.Figure 2-42. Caution / Advisory Annunciator Panel T3 F3 (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 2-14. Caution / Advisory Annunciator Panel DescriptionMaster Caution Annunciators (Yellow). Table 2-16. Approved FuelsTable 2-16. Approved Fuels (Continued) DRAINING MOISTURE FROM FUEL SYSTEM.Figure 2-43. Servicing Locations SERVICING OIL SYSTEM.INFLATING TIRES - TM-1-1510-225-10_139SERVICING OXYGEN SYSTEMFigure 2-44. Oxygen System Servicing Pressure Figure 2-45. Parking, Covers, Ground Handling, and Towing Equipment Ground Handling Safety PracticesParking BrakeINSTALLATION OF PROTECTIVE COVERS - TM-1-1510-225-10_145Figure 2-47. Mooring the Aircraft Disconnect battery.CHAPTER 3 AVIONICS (COMMON) R T3 F3 Section I. GENERALOperation. VHF COMMUNICATIONS TRANSCEIVERS (VHF-22D). VHF Transceiver Operating Controls (VHF-22D)AnnunciatorsDirect Active Frequency Selection.Stuck Microphone Switch.Section III. NAVIGATION - TM-1-1510-225-10_155Figure 3-3. APX-100 Transponder Control Panel Transponder Operations. CHAPTER 3A AVIONICS R Section I. GENERAL AUDIO CONTROL PANELS. Transmitter Selector SwitchesAM/FM (VHF/UHF) Transceiver Control- Display Unit Controls, Indicators, and FunctionsFigure 3A-2. AM/FM (VHF/UHF) Transceiver Control-Display Unit Menu or Number 2 Key.Display PagesFigure 3A-3. AM/FM (VHF/UHF) Transceiver Control Display Alpha Page Operating Procedures. - TM-1-1510-225-10_166Cursor movement knob Cursor field value knob AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM.Press Q key to cancel queue if desiredCOCKPIT VOICE RECORDER SYSTEM. Figure 3A-6. Cockpit Voice Recorder Control Panel Section III. NAVIGATION - TM-1-1510-225-10_173Altitude/Vertical Speed Indicators (KAV 485)Figure 3A-7. Altitude/Vertical Speed Indicator Autopilot Controller (KMC 440).Figure 3A-8. Autopilot ControllerTable 3A-1. Vertical Trim Command VS Flight Director Operations Figure 3A-9. Flight Director Mode SelectorThe flight director will not disengage if the autopilot is in useIndicated Airspeed Hold Mode AnnunciatorAutopilot Operation. ATTITUDE AND HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-225-10_183EFIS Control Panel Controls, Indicators, and Functions.Figure 3A-10. EFIS Control Panel ELECTRONIC ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATOR (EADI). - TM-1-1510-225-10_186Figure 3A-12. EADI Category II Symbology EADI Controls, Indicators, and Functions.SR Mode Annunciator. Horizon Line With Heading ScaleELECTRONIC HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR. - TM-1-1510-225-10_191Figure 3A-14. Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator Symbol Definitions EHSI Controls, Indicators, and Functions.Figure 3A-16. EHSI Controls and Indicators ELECTRONIC FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SYSTEM COMPOSITE DISPLAY MODES.Figure 3A-18. Composite Approach Mode Display ELECTRONIC FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SYSTEM REVERSIONARY MODES.VHF NAVIGATION RECEIVERS (KNR 634A)Kilohertz Tuning Knob.TACAN SYSTEM (KTU 709). Operating Procedures - TM-1-1510-225-10_201Operating Procedures. Normal Operation - TM-1-1510-225-10_203FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (GNS -XLS).Planning Key.Figure 3A-23. Flight Management System Control Display Unit (GNS-XLS)Initialization PageNavigation Section (NAV Key). Holding Status MessagePARALLEL ENTRY.Figure 3A-29. FMS Navigation 4/4 Page GPS Subsection PagesVertical Navigation Section (VNAV Key).LEVEL. LEVELFigure 3A-35. VNAV 3/3 Page Figure 3A-37. VNAV Waypoint 1/1 PagePlanning Pages (PLAN Key)TRIP PLANLEG FUEL.HEADING MODEFigure 3A-44. Tune 1/4 Page (COMM) Holding Pattern Section (HOLD Key).Direct To SectionWaypoint PagesFigure 3A-51. Database Waypoint 6/8 Page (Sheet 6 of 8) WAYPOINT.Special Waypoint.Messages (MSG Key).Airport continuation records Line select key Figure 3A-59. Departure 1/1 Page Flight plans are listed in alpha betical orderCursor moves to the TRANSITION field.Figure 3A-61. Arrival 1/1 PageEntering a STAR.Cursor will move to SELECT? field. Figure 3A-62. Approach 1/2 Page (Sheet 1 of 2)Editing an Approach.Deleting an Approach Waypoint. Erasing A Stored Flight Plan. Manual Primary Navigation Mode SelectionDirect To Random Waypoint.Canceling Heading Select Mode. Selecting exit modeCanceling a Holding Pattern. Vertical Navigation Operation Pre-DepartureProgramming A Descent PathVertical Navigation En RouteEditing Altitude Constraints.Direct To VNAV Waypoint As A Lateral Waypoint.Direct To VNAV Waypoint. Descent Reference WaypointsTransponder And ADF Keyboard Tune.Trip Planning. Flight Plan Fuel PlanningAutomatic fuel flow Verifying Or Changing Aircraft Weight ParametersSpecial Procedures.Present Position As A WaypointInitialization When Power Is Restored.Changing Pilot Entered (Personalized) Waypoints.Parent waypoint identifier Section IV. RADAR AND TRANSPONDER Figure 3A-65. Weather Radar Control Panel Figure 3A-66. Multi-Function Display Control Unit Figure 3A-67. EFIS Weather Test Pattern (Typical, 120-Degree Scan)Radar Control Panel Controls, Indicators, and FunctionsGround Map Push-Button Mode Selector Switch.Weather Radar Normal Operation. En Route Weather Detection OperationGPAAS Aural Warning Indications.Normal Operation. - TM-1-1510-225-10_272TRANSPONDER (MST 67A). Figure 3A-69. Transponder Control Unit (MST 67A) Flight Level IndicatorCHAPTER 3B AVIONICS T3 Section I. GENERAL Section II. COMMUNICATIONS - TM-1-1510-225-10_277Figure 3B-1. Dual Audio Control Panel SATCOM COMMUNICATIONS. FLIGHT DATA RECORDER OSA - TM-1-1510-225-10_280External Aircraft Controls. Figure 3B-3. Multi-Functional Display Control Panel Decision Height (DH) Setting.ADI Display Symbology.Figure 3B-4. ADI Display Symbology (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 3B-4. ADI Display Symbology (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 3B-5. ADI Pitch Scale Flight Director Annunciations.Vertical Guidance.Rate of Turn Indicator.Marker Beacons.ELECTRONIC HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR. - TM-1-1510-225-10_292HSI Graphic Format. FMS Flight Modes.Digital Heading Bug Readout.EHSI OperationsMap ARC Format (Partial 80)Figure 3B-10. Map ARC Format FMS-800 Map Display Operation.Map Format (Full 360 Degree Compass Map)STANDBY ATTITUDE REF ERENCE SYSTEM.AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM. - TM-1-1510-225-10_302Flight Director/Mode SelectorIndicated Airspeed Hold Mode.SOFT RIDE Push ButtonFigure 3B-15. Autopilot Controller Table 3B-7. Autopilot System Limits Table 3B-7. Autopilot System Limits (Continued) CDU Operations. Figure 3B-16. FMS-800 Simplified Diagram Figure 3B-17. Control Display Unit Front Panel Table 3B-8. FMS-800 CDU Function and Application Keys Figure 3B-18. Index and Flight Plan Edit Pages Display Scrolling.Entry and Display of Latitude- Longitude Waypoints.System Annunciations and Scratchpad MessagesTable 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_317Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_318Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_319Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_320Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_321Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_322Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_323Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_324Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_325Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_326Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_327Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_328Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_329Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_330Table 3B-9. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_331Table 3B-10. CDU Annunciation Line Priorities Power Control. System Initialization.Navigational Chart Datums. Freeze PositionActive Flight Plan Waypoints and Courses - TM-1-1510-225-10_337Figure 3B-25. Flight Plan Management Flight Plan Waypoints. Inserting and Deleting Intermediate WaypointsWaypoints with Duplicate Identifiers.Table 3B-23. Country Codes Table 3B-23. Country Codes (Continued) Table 3B-24. Attribute Designators (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_344Table 3B-24. Attribute Designators (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_345Manual Sequence ModeTACAN Emulation. - TM-1-1510-225-10_347TACAN Emulation. - TM-1-1510-225-10_348Table 3B-27. Pilots Lateral Steer PageEntry and Use of Waypoint Wind.Selection of Flight ModeDirect-To Operations.Table 3B-32. Direct-To a Flight Plan Waypoint Figure 3B-42. Direct-To an Impromptu Waypoint Table 3B-34. Direct-To Impromptu Waypoint Inserted as a Future Flight Plan Waypoint Table 3B-35. Direct-To Vector From Present Po sition Parallel Course OffsetsTable 3B-36. Entering and Deleting Parallel Course Offsets Waypoint Transition with Parallel OffsetsVertical Navigation. Figure 3B-49. Parallel Offset Transition with Large Course Change Figure 3B-50. Entry and Display of VNAV ParametersTable 3B-37. Entry and Display of VNAV Parameters Table 3B-39. VNAV Steering Pages VNAV Guidance and Alerting. Flight Instrument and Autopilot/Flight Director GuidanceFigure 3B-56. CDU Course Display and HSI Course (CDU Desired Track) DisplayActivation of FMS Heading Mode.Alternate Flight Plan OverviewFigure 3B-58. Alternate Flight Plan Structure Table 3B-42. Alternate Flight Plan StructureTable 3B-44. Alternate Flight Plan Init and Fuel Pages Table 3B-44. Alternate Flight Plan Init and Fuel Pages (Continued) Entry and Display of Alternate Flight Plan LegsEntry and Display of Planned AltitudeFigure 3B-64. Alternate Flight Plan Load/Save Page Access Holding PatternsTable 3B-49. User-Defined Holding Pattern Definition Designation of the Holding FixFigure 3B-68. Teardrop Entry Into a Holding Pattern Table 3B-50. Designation of Holding Fix Holding Course Edits.Figure 3B-106. Data For Option 2 Figure 3B-108. Data For Option 4 GPS Integrated Navigation.Position, Track, And Air Data Displays.GPS Display. GPS Satellite Data.GPS Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM)Selective Availability/Antispoofing Control Page3Communication Radio Control. - TM-1-1510-225-10_391Table 3B-81. Frequency Control, Communication Page (Continued)Table 3B-82. Preset Page Access and Usage Maritime Channels. Figure 3B-122. Tuning to Airport Frequencies Figure 3B-123. V/UHF Control Functions Loading Multiple Words of the Day (MWOD)Loading Frequency Management Training (FMT) Lists.Tuning HAVE QUICK Net Identifiers. HAVE QUICK I/II Head-Up Communication Radio DataTable 3B-92. Cue/Cold Page Access Table 3B-94. Quicktune Push Button ExampleLoading Flight DataSystem Status. Individual LRU Detailed Status PagesTable 3B-98. System Failure Indications Table 3B-98. System Failure Indications (Continued)Miscellaneous Functions. Table 3B-99. Timer Page Access and UsagePostflight OperationsLocking the SystemMFD CONTROL (EFIS).Operating Procedures. - TM-1-1510-225-10_413Self-Test. Mark er Beacon AudioDISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT (DME).Control and Functions. Power and Mode Switch.Frequency Selection.ALTITUDE SELECT CONTROLLER.Copilot's Pneumatic Altimeter - TM-1-1510-225-10_421Copilot's Pneumatic Altimeter - TM-1-1510-225-10_422Radar System Switches and Functions.Figure 3B-140. Color Radar Indicator OperationFault Displays. Maximum Permissible Exposure Level (MPEL)System Overview.Table 3B-103. TTC-920 Transponder/TCAS Control Switch Descriptions Table 3B-105. TV-920 Transponder/TCAS DisplaysTable 3B-105. TV-920 Transponder/TCAS Displays (Continued) Table 3B-106. TVI-920 Transponder/TCAS Mode/Warning Flags and MessagesTraffic Display.Table 3B-110. Resolution Advisory Inhibits Figure 3B-146. Full Time Traffic Operational Situation Figure 3B-147. TA ONLY Operational Situation Preventive RAFigure 3B-150. No-Bearing Message Operational Situation Figure 3B-152. Vertical Speed Indicator FailureFigure 3B-153. TCAS System Test Normal/In-Flight OperationControls and Functions. - TM-1-1510-225-10_442Figure 3B-155. Time/Date ModeFigure 3B-157. Heading Options Figure 3B-159. Navaid Setup SelectFigure 3B-161. Ground Collision Avoidance System Control and Indicators Controls, Indicators, and Functions. - TM-1-1510-225-10_447Response to Warnings. Figure 3B-163. Excessive Terrain Closure Rate (Mode 2) Figure 3B-165. Proximity to Terrain (Mode 4) Emergency Operation.Section I. GENERALControls, Indicators, and FunctionsFigure 3C-1. Dual Audio Control PanelIntercommunication. UHF Controls and Functions.Figure 3C-2. UHF Control PanelFLIGHT DATA RECORDER OSA - TM-1-1510-225-10_458Section III. NAVIGATION - TM-1-1510-225-10_459ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATORFigure 3C-4. Attitude Director Indicator Controls, Indicators, and Functions. Figure 3C-6. Standby Attitude Indicator ANGFigure 3C-7. Data NAV Control Figure 3C-8. Graphic Display Symbols Initial EntryComposite SelectionItem Sequencing Through Normal ProceduresRe-initialization.Keyboard Operation.Calculator Mode.HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATORFigure 3C-10. Horizontal Situation Indicator Aft Lubber LineFigure 3C-11. Autopilot/Flight Director Transfer Panel Flight Director/Mode SelectorLocalizer Mode. Altitude Pre-select Mode Selector.Figure 3C-13. Altitude Select Controller Table 3C-1. Autopilot System Limits (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_480Table 3C-1. Autopilot System Limits (Continued) - TM-1-1510-225-10_481VHF NAVIGATION RECEIVERSFigure 3C-15. CTL-32 NAV Control Equipment Startup.Marker Beacon Self-Test. - TM-1-1510-225-10_485Table 3C-2. Diagnostic and Fault Codes Figure 3C-17. TACAN Indicator Normal Operating Procedures - TM-1-1510-225-10_488DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT (DME)Operating Procedures - TM-1-1510-225-10_490Table 3C-3. VHF Frequencies Versus DME X ChannelsTable 3C-5. IND-42 DiagnosticAUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER (ADF)Figure 3C-19. ADF ControlEquipment Turn On.Normal Operation. - TM-1-1510-225-10_496RADIO ALTIMETER INDICATORNormal Operation - TM-1-1510-225-10_498Figure 3C-21. True Airspeed/Static/True Air Temperature/True Air Temperature Indicator Controls, Indicators, and Functions. - TM-1-1510-225-10_500Figure 3C-22. Color Weather Radar Normal Operation. - TM-1-1510-225-10_502Fault Displays.Radar Stabilization. Figure 3C-23. 120 Weather Mode Figure 3C-24. Checklist Mode Figure 3C-26. Test Options Mode Figure 3C-29. Navaid Setup Select Description - TM-1-1510-225-10_509Figure 3C-31. Ground Collision Avoidance System Controls and Indicators Normal Operation - TM-1-1510-225-10_511Figure 3C-33. Mode 2 Excessive Terrain Closure Rate Figure 3C-34. Mode 3 Descent After Takeoff Figure 3C-35. Mode 4 Proximity To TerrainFigure 3C-36. Mode 5 Descent Below Glideslope GENERAL - TM-1-1510-225-10_516Figure 3D-2. KLN 90B External Switches, Annunciators, and Data Loader Airports.Miscellaneous. TURN-ON AND SELF-TESTCorrect Time, Date, and PositionFigure 3D-5. Present Position Page Table 3D-1. Left Side Types.Figure 3D-6. Duplicate Waypoint PageINITIALIZATION.Selecting Waypoints By Identifier.Figure 3D-7. Nearest Airport Page DIRECT TO OPERATION.Figure 3D-9. NAV 1 Page (Direct To Operation) Recentering the Deviation BarFigure 3D-11. NAV 3 PageFigure 3D-13. Altitude Page and NAV 4 Page Figure 3D-14. NAV 5 PageFigure 3D-15. Nav 5 Page (Flight Plan Operation) Figure 3D-17. Super NAV 5 Page (Waypoint Identifiers) Figure 3D-18. Super NAV 5 Page (Active Waypoint Identifiers) Table 3D-4. Special Use Airspace Table 3D-5. Instrument Approach InformationTable 3D-7. Runway Surface Figure 3D-24. APT 4 Page (BEL) Table 3D-9. Customs InformationINTERSECTION PAGESUPPLEMENTAL WAYPOINT PAGEFigure 3D-29. User-Defined Airport Waypoint PageFigure 3D-32. User-Defined VOR Waypoint Page FLIGHT PLANS. Figure 3D-38. Waypoint Type Identification PageAdding a Waypoint to a Flight PlanFigure 3D-41. Storing 0 As a Numbered Flight PlanFigure 3D-43. Turn AnticipationFigure 3D-45. Select the DIRECT TO Waypoint Distance/Time 2 Page.MODES OF OPERATIONFigure 3D-53. OBS Mode Indications Figure 3D-54. OBS DIRECT TO Course Changing the CDI Scale Factor.Figure 3D-56. Approach Sequence Selecting an ApproachFigure 3D-59. Approach Waypoints Table 3D-16. Approach Waypoint SuffixesFigure 3D-63. Change the Approach Figure 3D-66. GPS Approach Mode ActiveOff Airport Navaid ApproachFigure 3D-68. Radar VectorsDME Arc ApproachFigure 3D-70. DME ARC Approach Problems.SID/STAR PROCEDURES. Figure 3D-73. SID/STAR Procedure THE OTHER PAGES. Figure 3D-74. OTH 3 PageThe Fuel Presently On Board (FOB). THE SETUP PAGESFigure 3D-80. Setup 1 PageFigure 3D-81. SET 2 Page - Set Date Figure 3D-83. SET 3 Page The Setup 7 PageTHE TRIP PLANNING PAGES. Trip Planning on the TRI 1 and 2 Pages. Figure 3D-94. TRI 5 PageTHE CALCULATOR PAGESFigure 3D-97. CAL 2 Page Figure 3D-99. CAL 4 PageThe Calculator 7 PageFigure 3D-104. Reference Waypoint Center Waypoints.THE STATUS PAGESTable 3D-17. GPS Status Codes MESSAGESNAV SUPER FLAG FAILURE SYSTEM TIME UPDATED TO GPS TIMENO SUP WAPTS CHAPTER 5 OPERATING LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONS - TM-1-1510-225-10_594Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings R T3 F3 (Sheet 1 of 8) Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings R T3 F3 (Sheet 2 of 8) Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings R (Sheet 3 of 8) Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings R (Sheet 4 of 8)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings T3 (Sheet 5 of 8) Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings T3 (Sheet 6 of 8) Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings F3 (Sheet 7 of 8) Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings F3 (Sheet 8 of 8) Fuel Management.Section III. POWER LIMITS - TM-1-1510-225-10_604Table 5-1. Engine Operating Limitations Table 5-2. Engine Operating Limitations Section IV. LOADING LIMITS - TM-1-1510-225-10_607Section V. AIRSPEED LIMITS, MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM - TM-1-1510-225-10_608Section VII. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS - TM-1-1510-225-10_609ICING LIMITATIONS (S EVERE)CRACKED CABIN WINDOW.CHAPTER 6 WEIGHT/BALANCE AND LOADING - TM-1-1510-225-10_612Figure 6-1. Airplane Diagram Passenger R (Sheet 1 of 3) Figure 6-1. Airplane Diagram Passenger T3 F3 OSA (Sheet 2 of 3) Figure 6-1. Airplane Diagram Passenger T3 F3 ANG (Sheet 3 of 3) Table 6-1. Useful Load Weights and Moments Occupants Table 6-3. Useful Load Weights and Moments Cargo Figure 6-2. Density Variation of Aviation Fuel Table 6-4. Useful Load Weights and Moments, Usable Fuel 6.4 to 6.7 Lb/Gal Table 6-4. Useful Load Weights and Moments, Usable Fuel 6.4 to 6.7 Lb/Gal (Continued) Table 6-5. Useful Load Weights and Moments, Usable Fuel 6.8 Lb/Ga Section IV. PERSONNEL - TM-1-1510-225-10_622LOAD PLANNINGFigure 6-3. Center of Gravity Loading Diagram Figure 6-4. Cargo Moment Diagram Figure 6-5. Cargo Restraint and Tiedown Method CHAPTER 7 PERFORMANCE DATA - TM-1-1510-225-10_627MissionPerformance Planning (Back of TOLD Card) - TM-1-1510-225-10_629Maximum Allowable Takeoff Weight.Figure 7-3. TOLD Card (Front) - TM-1-1510-225-10_631AccelerateFigure 7-4. Example TOLD Card (Front)Performance Planning, CruiseFigure 7-5. Airspeed Calibration Normal System, Takeoff Ground Roll figure 7-6. airspeed calibration - normal systemfigure 7-7. normal system figure 7-8. airspeed calibration - alternate systemfigure 7-9. altimeter correction - alternate system Figure 7-10. Indicated Outside Air Temperature Correction ISA Figure 7-11. ISA Conversion - TM-1-1510-225-10_641figure 7-12. farenheit to celsius tenperature convertion figure 7-13. stall speeds - power idleFigure 7-14. Cabin Altitude for Various Airplane Altitudes Figure 7-15. Takeoff Weight to Achieve Positive One-Engine-Inoperative Climb at Lift-Off, Flaps UP Figure 7-16. Takeoff Weight to Achieve Positive One-Engine-Inoperative Climb at Lift-Off, Flaps APPROACHFigure 7-17. Minimum Takeoff Power at 2000 RPM With Ice Vanes Retracted (65 Knots) Figure 7-18. Minimum Takeoff Power With Ice Vanes Extended (65 Knots) figure 7-19. take-off flight pathFigure 7-20. Wind Component figute 7-21. take-off distance. flaps-upfigure 7-22. accelerate-stop. flaps upfigure 7-23. accelerate go. flaps upfigure 7-24. net gradient of climb. flaps upfigure 7-25. takeoff distance. flaps upfigure 7-26. accelerate - stop flaps APRROACHfigure 7-27. accelarate flaps APPROACHfigure 7-28. net gradient of climb. flaps APPROACHfigure 7-29. climb - two engines. flaps upfigure 7-30. climb - two engines. flaps APRROACHfigure 7-31. climb - one engine inoperativeFigure 7-32. Service Ceiling One Engine Inoperative figure 7-33. time. fuel. and distance to climbFigure 7-34. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7-35. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7-36. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 C Figure 7-37. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA Figure 7-38. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 C Figure 7-39. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 C Figure 7-40. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 C Figure 7-41. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 C Figure 7-42. Normal Cruise Speeds, 1700 RPM Figure 7-43. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM Figure 7-44. Fuel Flow At Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM figure 7-45. range profile-normal cruise power. Figure 7-46. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7-47. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 C Figure 7-48. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 C Figure 7-49. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA Figure 7-50. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 C Figure 7-51. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 C Figure 7-52. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 C Figure 7-53. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 C Figure 7-54. Maximum Cruise Speeds, 1700 RPM Figure 7-55. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPMFigure 7-56. Fuel Flow At Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM figure 7-57. range profile - maximum cruise power Figure 7-58. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 30 C Figure 7-59. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 20 C Figure 7-60. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 10 C Figure 7-61. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA Figure 7-62. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 10 C Figure 7-63. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 20 C Figure 7-64. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 30 CFigure 7-65. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 37 C Figure 7-66. Normal Cruise Speeds, 1800 RPM Figure 7-67. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM Figure 7-68. Fuel Flow at Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM figure 7-69. range profile - normal cruise power Figure 7-70. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 30 C Figure 7-71. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 20 C Figure 7-72. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7-73. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM , ISA Figure 7-74. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 10 C Figure 7-75. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 20 C Figure 7-76. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 30 C Figure 7-77. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 37 C Figure 7-78. Maximum Cruise Speeds, 1800 RPM Figure 7-79. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM Figure 7-80. Fuel Flow At Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPMfigure 7-81. range profile - maximum cruise power Figure 7-82. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-82. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 C (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7-83. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-83. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 C (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7-84. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-84. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 C (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7-85. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-85. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7-86. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-86. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 C (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7-87. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-87. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 C (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7-88. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-88. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 C (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 7-89. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 7-89. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 C (Sheet 2 of 2) figure7-90.range profile - maximum range power figure 7-91. range profile - full main and auxillary tanksfigure 7-92. endurance profile - full main and auxillary tanksfigure 7-93. range profile - full main tanksfigure 7-94. endurance profile - full mian tanksFigure 7-95. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 30 C Figure 7-96. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7-97. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 10 C Figure 7-98. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA Figure 7-99. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 10 CFigure 7-100. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 20 CFigure 7-101. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 30 C Figure 7-102. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 37 C Figure 7-103. Pressurization Controller Setting for Landing figure 7-104. holding timeFigure 7-105. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Descendfigure 7-106. climb - balked landingfigure 7-107. normal landing distance without propeller reversingfigure 7-108. landing distance without propeller reversing figure 7-109. landing distance without propeller reversing figure 7-110. landing distance without propeller reversing Figure 7-111. Stopping Distance Factors Section I. MISSION PLANNING - TM-1-1510-225-10_750USE OF CHECKLIST.FUEL SAMPLE AND OIL CHECK - TM-1-1510-225-10_752Table 8-1. Oxygen DurationFigure 8-2. Exterior CheckNOSE SECTION, AREA 2 - TM-1-1510-225-10_755RIGHT WING, AREA 3. - TM-1-1510-225-10_756EMPENNAGE, AREA 5. - TM-1-1510-225-10_757INTERIOR CHECK.FIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START) - TM-1-1510-225-10_759CONDITION lever ENGINE CLEARING - TM-1-1510-225-10_761IGNITION AND ENGINE STARTAVIONICS MASTER PWR ON.BRAKE DEICEENGINE ANTI-ICE OFFBEFORE TAKEOFF - TM-1-1510-225-10_766Climb ChecklistLANDING. - TM-1-1510-225-10_768GO AROUND/MISSED APPROACH - TM-1-1510-225-10_769BEFORE LEAVING AIRCRAFT - TM-1-1510-225-10_770Power-On Stallsfigure 8-3. stall apeeds - power idleSection V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - TM-1-1510-225-10_773During Flight. - TM-1-1510-225-10_774Preparation for FlightICE AND RAIN (TYPICAL). - TM-1-1510-225-10_776ICING (SEVERE). - TM-1-1510-225-10_777DEPARTURE BRIEFING - TM-1-1510-225-10_778ARRIVAL BRIEFING - TM-1-1510-225-10_779Section I. MISSION PLANNING - TM-1-1510-225-10_780USE OF CHECKLISTTable 8A-1. Oxygen DurationFUEL SAMPLE AND OIL CHECK - TM-1-1510-225-10_783Figure 8A-2. Exterior CheckNOSE SECTION, AREA 2 - TM-1-1510-225-10_785RIGHT WING, AREA 3 - TM-1-1510-225-10_786EMPENNAGE, AREA 5. - TM-1-1510-225-10_787RUDDER BOOST - TM-1-1510-225-10_788FIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START) - TM-1-1510-225-10_789ABORT START.EXTERNAL POWERRED ANTICOLLISIONENGINE RUNUP - TM-1-1510-225-10_793Vacuum and pneumatic system - TM-1-1510-225-10_794Pressurization - TM-1-1510-225-10_795Cruise ClimbDESCENT - TM-1-1510-225-10_797LANDING. - TM-1-1510-225-10_798BEFORE LEAVING AIRCRAFT - TM-1-1510-225-10_799Section III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-225-10_800MANEUVERING FLIGHTfigure 8a-3. stall speeds - power idlePreparation for FlightEngine Shutdown - TM-1-1510-225-10_804Before Leaving Aircraft.ICING (SEVERE). - TM-1-1510-225-10_806Section VI. CREW DUTIES.ARRIVAL BRIEFING - TM-1-1510-225-10_808CHAPTER 9 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - TM-1-1510-225-10_809Figure 9-1. Emergency Exits and Equipment - TM-1-1510-225-10_810Engine Malfunction After VENGINE RESTART DURING FLIGHT (USING STARTER) - TM-1-1510-225-10_812SINGLE-ENGINE DESCENT/ARRIVAL - TM-1-1510-225-10_813MAXIMUM GLIDE - TM-1-1510-225-10_814Figure 9-2. Maximum Glide Distance - TM-1-1510-225-10_815BLEED AIR VALVEPROPELLER FAILURE, OVER 2120 RPMElectrical Fire - TM-1-1510-225-10_818Fuel Crossfeed. EMERGENCY DESCENT - TM-1-1510-225-10_820Landing Gear Manual Extension.MASTER SWITCH OFFBLEED AIR VALVES ENVIR OFFFLIGHT CONTROLS MALFUNCTION.Electric Elevator Trim Controls Frozen in FlightTable 9-1. Ditching (Continued)Figure 9-4. Wind Swell Ditch Heading Evaluation - TM-1-1510-225-10_827APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-1-1510-225-10_828APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS - TM-1-1510-225-10_829METEOROLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY GRAPH AND TABULAR TERMINOLOGY - TM-1-1510-225-10_831WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY - TM-1-1510-225-10_832MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS. - TM-1-1510-225-10_833MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS. - TM-1-1510-225-10_834MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS. MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS. - TM-1-1510-225-10_836MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS. - TM-1-1510-225-10_837METRIC SYSTEM AND EQ UIVALENTS CHART