TM 1-1510-224-MTF
Set direction to station on course indicator
(EHSI) using remote course knob (pedestal
extension). Verify that course deviation bar is
nearly centered and the to/from indicator
reads to.
Set reciprocal of direction to station on course
indicator (EHSI) using remote course knob
(pedestal extension). Observe that course
deviation bar is nearly centered and the
to/from indicator reads from.
Set direction to station again on course
indicator (EHSI) using remote course knob
(pedestal extension). Observe that course
deviation bar is nearly centered and the
to/from indicator reads to.
Fly a 90 right turn such that the flight path is
at a 90 angle to the direction to the station.
Observe that the course deviation indicator
needle deflects noticeably to the left after one
or two miles of flight (assuming the station is
25 to 50 miles from the aircraft).
TACAN range test - Achieve adequate usable
reception at 45 miles at 1,250 feet above
station antenna altitude.
TACAN ground-track accuracy test - Fly -
aircraft over a predetermined ground check
point. The maximum error is 3%.