TM 1-1510-224-10
controller, two relays, a control switch, and two circuit
breakers. Two switches, placarded
COPILOT, NORMAL - OFF - HIGH, located on the
overhead control panel (fig. 2-15), control system
operation. Each switch controls one electrothermal
windshield system. The circuits of each system are
protected by a 5-ampere circuit breaker and a 50-
ampere circuit breaker, which are not accessible to the
flight crew.
To help prevent windshield cracking,
windshield heat should be placed in
the NORMAL position for at least 15
minutes prior to using the HIGH
Normal Operation. Two levels of heat are
provided through the three position switches, placarded
NORMAL in the aft position, OFF in the center position,
and HIGH after lifting the switch over a detent and
moving it to the forward position. In the NORMAL
position, heat is provided for the major portion of each
windshield. In the HIGH position, heat is provided at a
higher watt density to a smaller portion of the windshield.
The lever lock switch feature prevents inadvertent
switching to the HIGH position during system shutdown.
Description. A mixture of engine bleed air and
ambient air is available for cabin pressurization at a rate
of approximately 10 to 17 pounds per minute. The flow
control unit of each engine controls bleed air from the
engine to make it usable for pressurization, by mixing
ambient air with the bleed air, depending upon aircraft
altitude and ambient temperature. On takeoff, excessive
pressure bumps are prevented by landing gear safety
switch actuated solenoids incorporated in the flow
control units. These solenoids, through a time delay,
stage the input of ambient air flow by allowing ambient
air flow introduction through the left flow control unit first,
then four seconds later allowing ambient air flow through
the right flow control unit.
Pressure Differential. The pressure vessel is
designed for a normal working pressure differential of
6.5 PSI, which will provide a cabin pressure altitude of
8,000 feet at an aircraft altitude of 29,700 feet, and a
cabin pressure altitude of 10,000 feet at an aircraft
altitude of 34,000 feet.
Pressurization Controller. The pressurization
controller, located on the copilot's subpanel (fig. 2-8),
provides a display of the selected altitude, an altitude
selector, and a rate control selector. The cabin and
aircraft altitude display is a mechanically coupled dial.
The outer scale, (CABIN ALT) of the display, indicates
the selected cabin altitude. The inner scale (ACFT ALT)
indicates the corresponding altitude at which the
maximum differential pressure would occur. The
indicated value on each scale is read as placarded, ALT
- FT X 1000. The rate control selector, placarded RATE
INC, regulates the rate at which cabin pressure ascends
or descends to the selected altitude. The rate change
selected may be from 200 to 2000 feet per minute.
Cabin Rate-of-Climb Indicator. An indicator,
placarded CABIN CLIMB, is located on the copilot's
subpanel (fig. 2-8). It is calibrated in thousands of feet
per minute change in cabin altitude.
Cabin Altitude Indicator. An indicator, placarded
CABIN ALT, is located on the copilot's subpanel
(fig. 2-8). The longer needle indicates aircraft altitude in
thousands of feet on the outside dial. The shorter
needle indicates pressure differential in PSI on the inner
dial. Maximum differential is 6.5 ±.10 PSI.
Outflow Valve. A pneumatically operated
outflow valve, located in the aft pressure bulkhead,
maintains the selected cabin altitude and rate-of-climb
commanded by the cabin rate-of-climb and altitude
modulates the outflow valve to maintain a selected cabin
rate of climb and increases the cabin differential
pressure until the maximum cabin pressure differential is
reached. At a cabin altitude of 12,500 feet, a pressure
switch mounted on the back of the overhead control
panel completes a circuit to illuminate a red ALT WARN
warning annunciator, to warn of operation requiring
Safety Valve. Before takeoff, the safety valve is
open with equal pressure between the cabin and the
outside air. The safety valve closes upon lift off if the
CABIN PRESS DUMP switch, located on the copilot's
subpanel (fig. 2-8), is in the pressurize mode. The
safety valve, adjacent to the outflow valve, provides
pressure relief in the event of an outflow valve failure.
The safety valve is also used as a dump valve. The
safety valve is opened by vacuum, which is controlled by
a solenoid valve operated by the CABIN PRESS DUMP
switch. It is wired through the right landing gear safety
switch. If either of these switches is open, or if the
vacuum source or electrical power is lost, the safety
valve will close to atmosphere except at maximum
pressure differential of 6.5 ± 10 PSI. A negative
pressure relief diaphragm is also incorporated into