TM 1-1510-224-10
setting. The accelerate-go distance (flaps up) would
exceed the available runway length, so a flaps-approach
takeoff must be calculated if it is desired to allow for the
accelerate-go distance (which is not a regulatory
requirement, but a recommended practice).
Takeoff Path - One Engine Inoperative.
Graphs are provided to estimate the horizontal distance
required to reach a height of 1500 feet, or the minimum
climb gradient required to clear an obstacle along the
take-off flight path. If clearance of obstacles beyond the
runway is required, these results may restrict takeoff
weight accordingly.
The takeoff distance extends from brake release to
reference zero, which is the point at which the aircraft is
50 feet above the runway. The net takeoff flight path
begins at liftoff and consists of the following segments:
The first segment climb extends from liftoff
to the point where the landing gear
completes the retraction cycle. The
airspeed is maintained at V2.
The second segment climb begins at the
end of the first segment and extends to
500 feet above the runway. The airspeed
during the second segment is V2.
segment consists of an acceleration from
V2 to VENR at a constant height of 500
feet. If a flaps- approach takeoff was
made, begin flap retraction at VENR.
The third segment climb begins when one-
engine-inoperative climb speed is reached
and flaps are fully retracted at 500 feet,
and extends to 1500 feet above the
runway. Air-speed is maintained at VENR
during this segment.
Takeoff Path Profile (Flaps Approach, One
Engine Inoperative). The following examples illustrate
the use of the flaps-approach takeoff path graphs. Enter
the graphs at 15C FAT, 3499 feet pressure altitude,
16,000 pounds takeoff weight, 1.9% downhill runway
gradient, and a 10-knot headwind component.
Example 1 - close-in obstacle clearance:
Obstacle Height Above Aircraft at Brake Release 88
Obstacle Distance from Brake Release 16,294 feet
Figure 7A-1. Takeoff Path Profile - One Engine Inoperative