TM 1-1510-224-10
known height plus a desired margin of clearance, given
the horizontal distance of the obstacle from reference
zero in nautical miles.
Net Take-off Flight Path - Third Segment.
Description. The Net Take-off Flight Path
-Third Segment graph (fig. 7A-34) depicts the climb
gradient for the third segment of a one engine
inoperative climb.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the net climb gradient in % for a one engine inoperative
climb from 500 feet above the runway to 1500 feet
above the runway at VENR, given free air temperature in
degrees Celsius, pressure altitude in feet, aircraft weight
in pounds, and head or tail wind component in knots.
For operation with ice vanes extended, decrease net
climb gradient by 1.5 percentage points.
Climb - Two Engine - Flaps Up.
Description. The Climb - Two Engine -
Flaps Up graph (fig. 7A-35) depicts rate of climb for two
engine operation.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the rate of climb in feet per minute and climb gradient in
% for a two engine climb with flaps up, given free air
temperature in degrees Celsius, pressure altitude in feet,
and aircraft weight in pounds. For operation with ice
vanes extended, rate of climb will be reduced by
approximately 500 feet per minute.
Climb - Two Engine - Flaps Approach.
Description. The Climb - Two Engine -
Flaps Approach graph (fig. 7A-36) depicts rate of climb
for two engine operation.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the rate of climb in feet per minute and climb gradient in
% for a two engine climb with flaps approach, given free
air temperature in degrees Celsius, pressure altitude in
feet, and aircraft weight in pounds. For operation with
ice vanes extended, rate of climb will be reduced by
approximately 500 feet per minute.
Climb - One Engine Inoperative.
Description. The Climb - One Engine
Inoperative graph (fig. 7A-37) depicts the rate of climb
to be expected in feet per minute at 130 knots for all
aircraft weights with one propeller feathered, landing
gear and flaps retracted, and maximum continuous
power on the operating engine.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the rate of climb in feet per minute and climb gradient in
% for a one engine inoperative climb with gear and flaps
up, given free air temperature in degrees Celsius,
pressure altitude in feet, and aircraft weight in pounds.
For operation with ice vanes extended, rate of climb will
be reduced by approximately 220 feet per minute.
Service Ceiling - One Engine Inoperative.
Description. The Service Ceiling - One
Engine Inoperative graph (fig. 7A-38) depicts the
maximum pressure altitude at which the aircraft is
capable of climbing at 50 feet per minute with one
propeller feathered.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the maximum pressure altitude at which the aircraft is
capable of climbing at 50 feet per minute with one
propeller feathered, given free air temperature in
degrees Celsius and aircraft weight in pounds. For
operation with ice vanes extended, the service ceiling
will be lowered by approximately 1900 feet.
Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise Climb.
Distance to Cruise Climb graph (fig. 7A-39) depicts the
time, fuel, and distance to cruise climb.
Purpose. This graph is used to determine
the time, fuel, and distance required to cruise climb,
given the beginning and ending free air temperature in
degrees Celsius, beginning and ending pressure altitude
in feet, and the initial climb aircraft weight in pounds. To
account for start, taxi, and takeoff add 120 pounds of
fuel. For operation with ice vanes extended, add 17C to
the actual FAT before entering the graph.
Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM.
Description. The Maximum Cruise Power
at 1700 RPM tables (fig. 7A-40 through 7A-47) show
fuel flow, airspeed, and torque for various flight
Purpose. These tables are used to
determine fuel flow per engine, total fuel flow, indicated
air-speed, and true airspeed, given pressure altitude in
feet, indicated free air temperature in degrees Celsius,
free air temperature in degrees Celsius, aircraft weight in
pounds, and torque per engine in percent. During
operations with ice vanes extended, torque will decrease
approximately 8%, and true airspeed will be reduced by
approximately 15 knots.
Maximum Cruise Speeds at 1700 RPM.
Speeds at 1700 RPM graph (fig. 7A-48) depicts the