TM 1-1510-224-10
side of the overhead panels and a fold-away protective
pedestal step are provided for pilot and copilot entry into
the cockpit. For the storage of maps and the operator's
manual, pilot's and copilot's seats have an inboard-
slanted, expandable pocket affixed to the lower portion
of the seat back. Pocket openings are held closed by
shock cord tension (fig. 2-12).
b. Pilot's and Copilot's Seat Belts and Shoulder
Harnesses. The pilot's and copilot's seats are each
equipped with a lap-type seat belt and shoulder harness
connected to an inertia reel. The shoulder harness belt
is of the Y configuration with the single strap being
contained in an inertia reel attached to the base of the
seatback. The two straps are worn with one strap over
each shoulder and fastened by metal loops into the seat
belt buckle. The inertia reel keeps the harness snug but
will allow normal movement required during flight
operations. The inertia reel is designed with a locking
device that will secure the harness in the event of
sudden forward movement or an impact action.
1. Adjustable Headrest
2. Seatbelt/Shoulder Harness Buckle
3. Moveable Armrest
4. Seat Height Adjustment (Pilot), Height And Adjustment (Copilot)
5. Sea Fore And Aft Adjustment (Pilot), Height And Adjustment (Copilot)
6. Expandable Map Pocket
Figure 2-12. Pilot's and Copilot's Seats