TM 1-1510-224-10
Set selected altitude on altitude
Select pitch hold, VS, or IAS mode
descend or ascend toward selected
switch-indicator on flight director
mode selector panel. ALT SEL
mode is now armed.
The altitude flare point ( ALT SEL CAP) is a
nonlinear function, dependent upon vertical speed and
distance to the
selected altitude.
ALT SEL capture is dropped and
The ALT SEL capture submode is cancelled by:
Moving the ALT SET knob on the altitude
Moving the pitch wheel on the autopilot
Selecting on or captured any other vertical
Coupling to the cross-side EFIS.
Selecting an alternate ATT source on the display
(17)Go-around mode (wings level). The go-
around mode is normally used to transition from an
approach to a climb when a missed approach has
occurred. Go-around mode is selected by depressing
the go-around switch located on the left power lever.
With go-around selected, all flight director modes are
cancelled, and the autopilot is disengaged. The pilot will
see a wings level command and a 7-degree climb angle
will be presented on the EADI. When go-around is
selected, the autopilot will automatically disengage, and
the yaw damper will automatically engage.
Introduction. The VHF navigation receivers
(fig. 3-24), provide 200 50-kHz spaced VOR/localizer
channels from 108.00 through 117.95 MHz, 40 glide
slope channels automatically paired with localizer
channels, and a marker beacon receiver. The digital
navigation receiver provides VOR, LOC, and GS
deviation outputs, high and low level flag signals,
magnetic bearing to the station, to/from information,
marker beacon lamp signals, and VOR and marker
beacon audio outputs. The navigation receivers are
powered through the 2-ampere VOR #1 and VOR #2
circuit breakers, located on the overhead circuit breaker
panel (fig. 2-9).
Controls and Functions. All operating controls for the
navigation receiver are located on the CTL-32 navigation
receiver control unit (fig. 3-24). The VHF navigation
receiver control unit also controls the DME function of
the TACAN when it is operated in DME mode.
(1) Active frequency display. The active
frequency (frequency to which the receiver is tuned) and
diagnostic messages are displayed in the upper window.
(2) Transfer/memory switch. This switch is
a 3-position spring-loaded toggle switch placarded
XFR/MEM, which, when held to the XFR position,
causes the preset frequency to be transferred up to the
active display and the receiver to be retuned. The
previously active frequency will become the new preset
frequency and will be displayed in the lower window.
When this switch is held to the MEM position, one of the
four stacked memory frequencies will be loaded into the
preset display. Successive pushes will cycle the four
memory frequencies through the display.
(3) Store switch. This switch, placarded
STO, allows up to four preset frequencies to be selected
and entered into the control unit's memory. After
presetting the frequency to be stored, the STO switch
should be pushed. The upper window displays the
channel number of available memory channel (CH 1
though CH 4) while the lower window continues to
display the frequency to be stored. For approximately 5
seconds, the MEM switch may be used to advance
through the channel numbers without changing the
preset display. The STO switch is pushed a second time
to commit the preset frequency to memory in the
selected location. After approximately 5 seconds, the
control will return to normal operation.
(4) Tuning knobs. Two concentric tuning
knobs control the preset or active frequency displays.
The larger knob changes the three digits to the left of the
decimal point in I-MHz steps. The smaller knob changes
the two digits to the right of the decimal point in 0.05
MHz steps. The two frequency select switches are
independent of each other so that the upper and lower
rollover of the 0.1 MHz digit will not cause the 1.0 MHz
digit to change.
(5) Active
The active switch,
placarded ACT, enables the tuning knobs to directly tune
the receiver when depressed and held for two seconds.
The bottom window will display dashes and the upper
window will continue to display the active frequency.
Pushing the ACT switch a second time will return the
control unit to the normal 2-display mode.
(6) Test switch. This switch, placarded
TEST, initiates the receiver self-test diagnostic routine.
(Self-test is active only when the TEST switch is