WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES.SERIES AND EFFECTIVITY CODES.CHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION - TM-1-1510-224-10_8Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement - Right Side, (Sheet 1 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement - Left Side, (Sheet 2 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement - Front, (Sheet 3 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement - Top, (Sheet 4 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement - Bottom, (Sheet 5 of 6) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement - Bottom, - Continued (Sheet 6 of 6) Figure 2-2. General Exterior Arrangement - Right Side, (Sheet 1 of 6)Figure 2-2. General Exterior Arrangement - Left Side, (Sheet 2 of 6)Figure 2-2. General Exterior Arrangement - Front, (Sheet 3 of 6)Figure 2-2. General Exterior Arrangement - Top, (Sheet 4 of 6)Figure 2-2. General Exterior Arrangement - Bottom, (Sheet 5 of 6) Figure 2-2. General Exterior Arrangement - Bottom, - Continued (Sheet 6 of 6)Figure 2-3. General Interior Arrangement,Figure 2-4. General Interior Arrangement, Figure 2-5. Principal DimensionsFigure 2-6. Ground Turning RadiusFigure 2-7. Exhaust and Propeller Danger AreasFigure 2-8. SubpanelsLanding Gear Warning Indicator Light Test SwitchFigure 2-9. Overhead Circuit Breaker PanelLanding Gear Alternate ExtensionFigure 2-10. CockpitENTRANCE AND EXIT PROVISIONS - TM-1-1510-224-10_31Figure 2-11. Cabin and Cargo DoorsWINDOWSFigure 2-12. Pilot's and Copilot's SeatsSection II. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT - TM-1-1510-224-10_35Section III. ENGINES AND RELATED SYSTEMS - TM-1-1510-224-10_36Figure 2-13. Engine (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-13. Engine (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-14. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-14. Control Pedestal and Pedestal Extension (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-15. Overhead Control PanelENGINE FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-224-10_42Figure 2-16. Engine Fire Detection SystemTable 2-1. Engine Fire Extinguisher Gage PressureFigure 2-17. Engine Fire Extinguisher SystemENGINE IGNITION SYSTEMFigure 2-18. Instrument Panel (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-18. Instrument Panel (Sheet 2 of 2)Section IV. FUEL SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-224-10_49Figure 2-19. Fuel System SchematicFigure 2-20. Fuel Management Panel.Figure 2-21. Crossfeed Fuel Flow - TM-1-1510-224-10_52Figure 2-22. Gravity Feed Fuel FlowFuel Gaging System. Figure 2-23. Auxiliary Fuel Tank Fuel GageTable 2-3. Fuel Sump Drain Locations - TM-1-1510-224-10_56Section V. FLIGHT CONTROLS - TM-1-1510-224-10_57Figure 2-24. Control WheelsElevator Trim Tab Control.WING FLAPSPROPELLER GOVERNORS. - TM-1-1510-224-10_61PROPELLER SYNCHROPHASERSection VII. UTILITY SYSTEMS - TM-1-1510-224-10_63ANTENNA DEICING SYSTEMFORWARD GUARDRAIL DUAL DATA LINK ANTENNA RADOME ANTI-ICEBRAKE DEICE SYSTEMPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-224-10_67OXYGEN SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-224-10_68Figure 2-26. Oxygen SystemTable 2-4. Oxygen Flow Planning Rates Vs Altitude (All Flows in LPM Per Mask at NTPD)Table 2-5. Oxygen Duration In Minutes 140 Cubic Foot System - TM-1-1510-224-10_71Oxygen Duration Examples.WINDSHIELD WIPERS.Section VIII. HEATING, VENTILATION, COOLING, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-224-10_74Figure 2-28. Environmental SystemAIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM.Air conditioning cold operation bypass valveCooling Mode - TM-1-1510-224-10_78Section IX. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-224-10_79Figure 2-29. DC Electrical System Figure 2-30. DC Electrical SystemFigure 2-31. DC Electrical System Busses (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-31. DC Electrical System Busses (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-32. Single Phase AC Electrical SystemFigure 2-33. Three Phase AC Electrical SystemFigure 2-34. Mission Equipment DC Power SystemFigure 2-35. Mission Equipment DC Power System Figure 2-36. Mission AC/DC Power CabinetDC Load and Voltmeters. Instrument AC annunciator.Section X. LIGHTING - TM-1-1510-224-10_91Figure 2-37. Exterior LightingEngine instrument lightsSection XI. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS - TM-1-1510-224-10_94COPILOT'S BAROMETRIC ALTIMETERVERTICAL SPEED INDICATORSSTANDBY MAGNETIC COMPASSFigure 2-42. Caution/Advisory Annunciator PanelTable 2-7. Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panel Legend - TM-1-1510-224-10_99Table 2-8. Mission Control Panel Annunciator Legend - TM-1-1510-224-10_100Figure 2-43. Autopilot/EFIS/Rudder Boost Remote Annunciator PanelSection XII. SERVICING, PARKING, AND MOORING - TM-1-1510-224-10_102Table 2-10. Approved Fuels - TM-1-1510-224-10_103Table 2-11. Standard, Alternate, and Emergency Fuels - TM-1-1510-224-10_104Figure 2-44. Servicing LocationsFILLING FUEL TANKSFuel limitations.INFLATING TIRES - TM-1-1510-224-10_108APPLICATION OF EXTERNAL POWERFigure 2-45. Oxygen System Servicing PressureGeneral Ground Handling ProcedureFigure 2-46. Parking, Covers, Ground Handling, and Towing EquipmentFigure 2-47. Towing Turn Limitscontrol lockCHAPTER 3 AVIONICS - TM-1-1510-224-10_115Section II. COMMUNICATIONS - TM-1-1510-224-10_116Figure 3-1. Audio Control Panel - TM-1-1510-224-10_117Transmitter-intercom selector switch.Normal Operation. - TM-1-1510-224-10_119Figure 3-3. UHF Transceiver - TM-1-1510-224-10_120Transceiver operating procedureFigure 3-4. VHF Communications Transceiver Control Unit - TM-1-1510-224-10_122Frequency selectionFrequency storage.Over-temperature protection. Figure 3-5. HF Communications Transceiver Control UnitProgramming simplex preset channels.Programming semi-duplex preset channels.Maritime Radiotelephone Network Channel OperationCOMM control page. SC (single channel) mode.FH/M (frequency hopping Figure 3-6. Emergency Locator TransmitterSection III. NAVIGATION - TM-1-1510-224-10_134Figure 3-7. Integrated Flight Control System Block DiagramATTITUDE AND HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-224-10_136DISPLAY CONTROLLER Heading pushbutton selector switchAttitude source annunciator.Figure 3-9. Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI) - TM-1-1510-224-10_140Glideslope deviation pointer, annunciatorTable 3-2. Comparison Monitor Symbols and Miscompare LevelsSame attitude source.Figure 3-12. EADI Input/Output Processer Failure IndicationsFigure 3-13. Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI)Single-needle bearing pointer. Course deviation bar. Weather radar tilt angle display.Figure 3-15. EHSI Partial Compass Format Unique IndicationsFigure 3-16. EHSI Partial Compass VOR Map ModeFigure 3-17. EHSI Multiple Waypoint Map Mode (LRN)Table 3-3. Weather Radar Return LevelsEADI AND EHSI COMPOSITE DISPLAYFigure 3-19. EHSI Failure Annunciators (Red)Figure 3-20. EADI/EHSI Composite Display - TM-1-1510-224-10_155Table 3-4. Digital Flight Control System Error Codes - TM-1-1510-224-10_156Table 3-5. Digital Flight Control System Limits (Sheet 1 of 3) - TM-1-1510-224-10_157Table 3-5. Digital Flight Control System Limits (Sheet 2 of 3) - TM-1-1510-224-10_158Autopilot Controller Figure 3-21. Autopilot ControllerFigure 3-22. Flight Director Mode Selector - TM-1-1510-224-10_161Figure 3-23. Altitude Preselector - TM-1-1510-224-10_162Table 3-6. Flight Director Modes Reset when EFISControl wheel - Move to mid-travel.Heading hold mode (wings level).VOR (NAV) mode. Inertial navigation system (INS) steering modeILS approach mode. - TM-1-1510-224-10_168ILS approach mode. - TM-1-1510-224-10_169Altitude hold modeVHF NAVIGATION RECEIVERS (VIR-32)Figure 3-24. VHF Navigation Receiver Control Unit - TM-1-1510-224-10_172Operating Procedures. - TM-1-1510-224-10_173ILS (Localizer and Glide Slope)Table 3-7. VHF Navigation Receiver Fault Codes - TM-1-1510-224-10_175Figure 3-25. ADF Control Unit - TM-1-1510-224-10_176Operating Procedures. - TM-1-1510-224-10_177Table 3-8. ADF Receiver Fault CodesFigure 3-26. TACAN/DME Control UnitFigure 3-27. TACAN/DME Display Unit INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEMFigure 3-28. INS Mode SelectorAlignment mode. Normal Operating Procedures.Table 3-9. INS Malfunction Codes - TM-1-1510-224-10_185Table 3-10. INS Action Codes and Recommended Actions - TM-1-1510-224-10_186Navigation Information.Table 3-11. Datum Cross ReferenceDesired track.Stored heading shut downGPS position data insertionCHALS USE OF GPS AND INS.Section IV. RADAR AND TRANSPONDER - TM-1-1510-224-10_193Figure 3-30. EFIS Weather Test Pattern (Typical, 120-Degree Scan)Figure 3-31. Maximum Permissible Exposure LevelTable 3-12. Video Integrated Processor VS Aircraft Radar Return LevelsRadar receiver gain control.Weather Radar Modes of Operation. - TM-1-1510-224-10_198Figure 3-32. Lightning Strokes Required per Symbol vs. Range to StormFigure 3-33. Lightning Rate of Occurrence SymbolsTable 3-13. Lightning Sensor System Failure CodesFigure 3-34. Transponder Control PanelTransponder Normal Operation.Shutdown procedure - TM-1-1510-224-10_204Figure 3-35. Pilot's Barometric Altimeter IndicatorCHAPTER 4 MISSION EQUIPMENT - TM-1-1510-224-10_206Weight-on-wheels override switch.Figure 4-1. Mission Control Panel - TM-1-1510-224-10_208Section II. AIRCRAFT SURVIVABILITY EQUIPMENTSYSTEM DAILY PREFLIGHT/RE-ARM TESTFlare Dispenser System Test Procedure.Chaff Dispenser (Right Nacelle) System Test Procedure - TM-1-1510-224-10_212Chaff Dispenser (Right Nacelle) System Test Procedure - TM-1-1510-224-10_213AMMUNITIONAmmunition Unloading ProcedureAIRCRAFT SURVIVABILITY EQUIPMENT/ AVIONICS CONTROL SYSTEM (ASE/ACS)CHAPTER 5 OPERATING LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONS - TM-1-1510-224-10_217Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 5 of 5)FUEL SYSTEM LIMITSSection III. POWER LIMITS - TM-1-1510-224-10_224OVERTEMPERATURE AND OVERSPEED LIMITATIONSSection V. AIRSPEED LIMITS, MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM - TM-1-1510-224-10_226Figure 5-2. Flight Envelope - TM-1-1510-224-10_227Section VII. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS - TM-1-1510-224-10_228OXYGEN REQUIREMENTS.Section IX. REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS OF FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-224-10_230Table 5-3. Required Equipment Listing - TM-1-1510-224-10_231Table 5-3. Required Equipment Listing - (Cont'd) - TM-1-1510-224-10_232Table 5-3. Required Equipment Listing - (Cont'd) - TM-1-1510-224-10_233Table 5-3. Required Equipment Listing - (Cont'd) - TM-1-1510-224-10_234EXTENT OF COVERAGEFigure 6-1. Aircraft Compartments and Stations - TM-1-1510-224-10_236Figure 6-2. Aircraft Compartments and Stations Table 6-1. Occupants - Useful Loads, Weights, and MomentsTable 6-3. Useful Load Weights and Moments Usable Fuel, 6.4 to 6.8 LB/GALTable 6-4. Useful Load Weights and Moments Usable Fuel 6.9 to 7.1 LB/GALSection III. FUEUOILFigure 6-3. Density Variation of Aviation Fuel - TM-1-1510-224-10_242Section IV. CENTER OF GRAVITYFigure 6-4. Center of Gravity Loading DiagramINTRODUCTION TO PERFORMANCE.Altimeter Correction Normal System.Accelerate-Stop Flaps Up.Net Take-off Flight Path First Segment Flaps UpAccelerate Stop Flaps ApproachClimb One Engine Inoperative. - TM-1-1510-224-10_250Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power Maximum Range Power.Purpose.Table 7-1. Route Segment Data2Minimum Static Takeoff Power (Ice Vanes Retracted)Takeoff Path One Engine InoperativeTak eoff Path Profile (Flaps Approach, One Engine Inoperative).Flight Planning ExampleCruise power setting.Total fuel requirement.Normal landing distance flaps down.Figure 7-2. Airspeed Calibration - Normal System, Takeoff Ground RollFigure 7-3. Airspeed Calibration - Normal System - TM-1-1510-224-10_263Figure 7-4. Altimeter Correction - Normal System - TM-1-1510-224-10_264Figure 7-5. Airspeed Calibration - Alternate System - TM-1-1510-224-10_265Figure 7-6. Altimeter Correction - Alternate System - TM-1-1510-224-10_266Figure 7-7. Indicated Outside Air Temperature Correction - TM-1-1510-224-10_267Figure 7-8. ISA Conversion - TM-1-1510-224-10_268Figure 7-9. Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature Conversion - TM-1-1510-224-10_269Figure 7-10. Static Take-off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes Retracted.Figure 7-11. Static Take-off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes ExtendedFigure 7-12. Wind Components - TM-1-1510-224-10_272Figure 7-13. Maximum Take-off Weight Permitted by Enroute Climb RequirementsFigure 7-14. Maximum Take-off Weight to Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb at Liftoff - Flaps UpFigure 7-15. Maximum Take-off Weight as Limited by Tire Speed - Flaps UpTAKE-OFF SPEEDS (KIAS) - FLAPS UP - TM-1-1510-224-10_276TAKE-OFF SPEEDS (KIAS) - FLAPS UP (Contd)Figure 7-17. Take-off Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps UpFigure 7-18. Accelerate Stop - Flaps UpFigure 7-19. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps UpFigure 7-20. Net Take-off Flight Path - First Segment - Flaps UpFigure 7-21. Net Take-off Flight Path - Second Segment - Flaps UpFigure 7-22. Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb - Flaps UpFigure 7-23. Maximum Take-off Weight to Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb at Liftoff - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-24. Maximum Take-off Weight as Limited by Tire Speed - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-25. Take-off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Approach (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-25. Take-off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Approach (Sheet 2 of 2) - TM-1-1510-224-10_287Figure 7-26. Take-off Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-27. Accelerate Stop - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-28. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-29. Net Take-off Flight Path - First Segment - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-30. Net Take-off Flight Path - Second Segment - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-31. Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-32. Close-in Take-off Flight Path - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-33. Distant Take-off Flight Path - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-34. Net Take-off Flight Path - Third SegmentFigure 7-35. Climb - Two Engine - Flaps UpFigure 7-36. Climb - Two Engine - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-37. Climb - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7-38. Service Ceiling - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7-39. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise ClimbFigure 7-40. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-40. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -200C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-48. Maximum Cruise Speeds at 1700 RPMFigure 7-49. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-50. Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-51. Range Profile - Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-52. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-52. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-53. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-53. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-54. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-54. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-55. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-55. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-56. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-56. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-57. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-57. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-58. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-58. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-59. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-59. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-60. Normal Cruise Speeds at 1500 RPMFigure 7-61. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-62. Fuel Flow at Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-63. Range Profile - Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-64. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-64. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-65. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-65. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-66. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-66. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-67. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-67. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-68. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-68. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA + 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-69. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-69. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-70. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-70. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-71. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-71. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-72. Range Profile - Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-73. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-73. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -300C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-74. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -200C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-74. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-75. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-75. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-76. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-76. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-77. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-77. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-78. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-78. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-79. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-79. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-80. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-80. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-81. Endurance Profile - Loiter Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-82. Range Profile - Full Main TanksFigure 7-83. Endurance Profile - Full Main TanksFigure 7-84. Range Profile - Full Main and Aux TanksFigure 7-85. Endurance Profile - Full Main and Aux TanksFigure 7-86. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Engine Anti-Ice Off) - ISA -300C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-86. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-87. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-87. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-88. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-88. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-89. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-89. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-90. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-90. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-91. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-91. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-92. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-92. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +300C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-93, One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-93. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-94. Time, Fuel, and Distance to DescendFigure 7-95. Climb - Balked LandingFigure 7-96. Normal Landing Distance - Flaps DownFigure 7-97. Normal Landing Distance - Flaps UpFigure 7-98. Landing Distance - One Engine Inoperative - Flaps DownINTRODUCTION TO PERFORMANCE - TM-1-1510-224-10_401Altimeter Correction - Normal SystemPurpose - TM-1-1510-224-10_403Net Take-off Flight Path - Second Segment- Flaps UpAccelerate Stop - Flaps ApproachNet Take-off Flight Path - Third Segment.Maximum Cruise Power At 1700 RPM.Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM.Endurance Profile Full Main and Aux Tanks.Table 7A-1. Route Segment Data2Minimum Static Takeoff Power (Ice Vanes Retracted).Takeoff Path - One Engine Inoperative.Climb One Engine Inoperative. - TM-1-1510-224-10_413Table 7A-2. Example Cruise True AirspeedsTable 7A-3. Example Cruise ResultsTable 7A-4. Example Time, Fuel, and DistanceTable 7A-5. Example Fuel Flow (Ibs/hr)Figure 7A-2. Airspeed Calibration - Normal System, Takeoff Ground RollFigure 7A-3. Airspeed Calibration - Normal SystemFigure 7A-4. Altimeter Correction - Normal SystemFigure 7A-5. Airspeed Calibration - Alternate SystemFigure 7A-6. Altimeter Correction - Alternate SystemFigure 7A-7. Indicated Outside Air Temperature CorrectionFigure 7A-8. ISA ConversionFigure 7A-9. Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature ConversionFigure 7A-10. Static Take-off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes RetractedFigure 7A-11. Static Take-off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes ExtendedFigure 7A-12. Wind ComponentsFigure 7A-13. Maximum Take-off Weight Permitted by Enroute Climb RequirementsFigure 7A-14. Maximum Take-off Weight to Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb at Liftoff - Flaps UpFigure 7A-15. Maximum Take-off Weight as Limited by Tire Speed - Flaps UpFigure 7A-16. Take-off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps up (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-16. Take-off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps up (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-17. Take-off Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps UpFigure 7A-18. Accelerate Stop - Flaps UpFigure 7A-19. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps UpFigure 7A-20. Net Take-off Flight Path - First Segment - Flaps UpFigure 7A-21. Net Take-off Flight Path - Second Segment - Flaps UpFigure 7A-22. Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb - Flaps UpFigure 7A-23. Maximum Take-off Weight to Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb at Liftoff - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-24. Maximum Take-off Weight as Limited by Tire Speed - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-25. Take-off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Approach (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-25. Take-off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Approach (Sheet 2 of 2) - TM-1-1510-224-10_443Figure 7A-26. Take-off Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-27. Accelerate Stop - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-28. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-29. Net Take-off Flight Path - First Segment - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-30. Net Take-off Flight Path - Second Segment - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-31. Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-32. Close-in Take-off Flight Path - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-33. Distant Take-off Flight Path - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-34. Net Take-off Flight Path - Third SegmentFigure 7A-35. Climb - Two Engines - Flaps UpFigure 7A-36. Climb - Two Engines - Flaps ApproachFigure 7A-37. Climb - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7A-38. Service Ceiling - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7A-39. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise ClimbFigure 7A-40. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-40. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-41. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-41. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-42. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-42. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-43. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-43. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-44. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-44. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-45. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-45. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-46. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-46. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-47. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-47. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-48. Maximum Cruise Speeds at 1700 RPMFigure 7A-49. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7A-50. Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7A-51. Range Profile - Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7A-52. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-52. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-53. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-53. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -200C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-54. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-54. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-55. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-55. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-56. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-56. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-57. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-57. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-58. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +300C (Sheet I of 2)Figure 7A-58. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-59. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +370C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-59. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +370C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-60. Normal Cruise Speeds at 1500 RPMFigure 7A-61. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7A-62. Fuel Flow at Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7A-63. Range Profile - Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7A-64. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-64. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -300C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-65. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-65. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-66. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-66. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-67. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-67. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-68. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-68. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-69. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-69. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-70. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-70. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-71. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-71. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-72. Range Profile - Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7A-73. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-73. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-74. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-74. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-75. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-75. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-76. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-76. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-77. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-77. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-78. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-78. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-79. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-79. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-80. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-80. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-81. Endurance Profile - Loiter Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7A-82. Range Profile - Full Main TanksFigure 7A-83. Endurance Profile - Full Main TanksFigure 7A-84. Range Profile - Full Main and Aux TanksFigure 7A-85. Endurance Profile - Full Main and Aux TanksFigure 7A-86. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Engine Anti-Ice Off) - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-86. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-87. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-87. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-88. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-88. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-89. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-89. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-90. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-90. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-91. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-91. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-92. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-92. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-93. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-93. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-94. Time, Fuel, and Distance to DescendFigure 7A-95. Climb - Balked LandingFigure 7A-96. Normal Landing Distance - Flaps DownFigure 7A-97. Normal Landing Distance - Flaps UpFigure 7A-98. Landing Distance - One Engine Inoperative - Flaps DownSection II. OPERATING PROCEDURES AND MANEUVERS - TM-1-1510-224-10_557BEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK - TM-1-1510-224-10_558HYD FLUID SENSOR TESTHYD FLUID SENSOR TESTAP & YD/TRIM DISCASE/ACS Perform BIT checks ASE/ACS Program Avionics CheckFUEL SAMPLE AND OIL CHECK - TM-1-1510-224-10_565Figure 8-1. Exterior Inspection - TM-1-1510-224-10_566Left wing center section CheckRight Wing Area. Fuselage Right Side. - TM-1-1510-224-10_569INTERIOR CHECK - TM-1-1510-224-10_570Magnetic compass FIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START) - TM-1-1510-224-10_572ABORT START PROCEDURE - TM-1-1510-224-10_573SECOND ENGINE START (GPU START) - TM-1-1510-224-10_574ENGINE RUNUP - TM-1-1510-224-10_575PNEUMATIC PRESSURE - TM-1-1510-224-10_576BEFORE TAKEOFF - TM-1-1510-224-10_577TAKEOFF.DESCENT-ARRIVAL - TM-1-1510-224-10_579TOUCH AND GO/STOP AND GO LANDING - TM-1-1510-224-10_580ENGINE SHUTDOWN - TM-1-1510-224-10_581Section III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-224-10_582Figure 8-2. Stall Speeds - Power Idle - TM-1-1510-224-10_583Section V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - TM-1-1510-224-10_584During Flight. - TM-1-1510-224-10_585DESERT OPERATION AND HOT WEATHER OPERATION.ICE AND RAIN (TYPICAL)SEVERE ICINGARRIVAL BRIEFING - TM-1-1510-224-10_589Section I. AIRCRAFT SYSTEMSFigure 9-1. Emergency Exits and Equipment - TM-1-1510-224-10_591ENGINE SHUTDOWN IN FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-224-10_592ENGINE RESTART DURING FLIGHT (NO STARTER ASSIST)SINGLE-ENGINE DESCENT/ARRIVAL - TM-1-1510-224-10_594Figure 9-2. Maximum Glide Distance Figure 9-3. Maximum Glide Distance SINGLE-ENGINE LANDING CHECKENGINE ANTI-ICE FAILURE - TM-1-1510-224-10_598Fuselage Fire - TM-1-1510-224-10_599FUEL SYSTEM. - TM-1-1510-224-10_600ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCIES - TM-1-1510-224-10_601EMERGENCY DESCENT - TM-1-1510-224-10_602LANDING EMERGENCIES.DITCHING - TM-1-1510-224-10_604Figure 9-4. Ferry Chair Occupant Emergency Body PositionFigure 9-5. Wind Swell Ditch Heading EvaluationAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-1-1510-224-10_607APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS - TM-1-1510-224-10_608METEOROLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY - TM-1-1510-224-10_609CONTROL AND INSTRUMENT the shortest possible horizontal TERMINOLOGYWEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY. - TM-1-1510-224-10_611MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS - TM-1-1510-224-10_612MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS (cont) - TM-1-1510-224-10_613MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS (cont)MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS (cont) - TM-1-1510-224-10_615MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS (cont) - TM-1-1510-224-10_616MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS (cont) - TM-1-1510-224-10_617