TM 1-1510-223-10
1 crew mask =LPM (100%), 1 passenger mask =LPM
(c) Method. Multiply 3,226 L X 0.84 =
2,709.8 L Multiply 2 crew X 7.2 LPM = 14.4 LPM Multiply
1 passenger X 3.7 LPM, add 14.4 LPM crew plus 3.7 LPM
passenger = 18.1 LPM. Divide 2,709.8 L by 18.1 LPM =
149.7 minutes.
Oxygen Cylinder Capacity Example Problem.
Oxygen cylinder capacity is determined by using figure 2-
(1) Example one.
(a) Wanted Percent of capacity at known
pressure and temperature and pressure when temperature
(b) Known. Pressure =1,600 PSIG stabilized
cylinder temperature is estimated at 200C, decreased
stabilized cylinder temperature is estimated at -30°C
(c) Method Enter 1600 PSIG move up to
20°C line, move right to 84% then move left on 84% line
to -30°C line, and move down to 1250 PSIG.
(2) Example two.
(a) Wanted. 100% capacity pressure at
known temperature.
(b) Known. Temperature =-30°C
(c) Method. Move left along 100% line to -
30'C line and move down to 1420 PSIG.
Description. Two electrically-operated windshield
wipers, are provided for use at all flight speeds. A rotary
switch (fig. 2-13) placarded WINDSHIELD WIPER,
located on the overhead control panel, selects mode of
windshield wiper operation. An information placard above
the switch states: DO NOT OPERATE ON DRY GLASS.
Function positions of the switch, as read clockwise, are
placarded: PARK - OFF - SLOW - FAST. When the
switch is held in the spring-loaded PARK setting, the
blades will return to their normal inoperative position on
the glass, then, when released, the switch will return to
OFF position terminating windshield wiper operation. The
FAST and SLOW switch positions are separate operating
speed settings for wiper operation. The windshield wiper
circuit is protected by one 10-ampere circuit breaker,
placarded WSHLD WIPER, located on the overhead
circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-7).
Figure 2-25. Oxygen Cylinder Capacity
Do not operate windshield wipers on dry glass.
Such action can damage the linkage as well
as scratch the windshield glass.
Normal Operation. To start, turn WINDSHIELD
WIPER switch to FAST or SLOW speed, as desired. To
stop, turn the switch to the PARK position and release.
The blades will return to their normal inoperative position
and stop. Turning the switch only to the OFF position will
stop the windshield wipers, without returning them to the
normal inactive position
For ferry purposes, a forward facing chair is provided
that may be attached to the floor tracks at fuselage station
The pilot and copilot have individual cigarette lighters
and ash trays mounted in escutcheons outboard of their
seats. The cigarette lighters are protected by a 5-ampere
circuit breaker, placarded CIGAR LIG HTER, on the
overhead circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-7).