TM 1-1510-223-10
then diverts power to all heating elements on the other
propeller for the same length of time. This cycle will
continue as long as the switch is in the ON position.
The system utilizes a metal foil type single heating
element, energized by DC voltage. The timer switches
every 90 seconds, resulting in a complete cycle in
approximately 3 minutes.
Manual Operation. The manual propeller deice
system is provided as a backup to the automatic
system. The spring-loaded control switch located on the
overhead control panel placarded PROP MANUAL ON,
controls the manual override relay. When holding the
switch in the ON position the automatic timer is
overridden, and power is supplied to the heating
elements of both propellers simultaneously. This switch
is of the momentary type and must be held in position
for approximately 90 seconds to dislodge ice from the
propeller surface. Repeat this procedure as required to
avoid significant buildup of ice, which will result in a loss
of performance, vibration, and impingement of ice upon
the fuselage. The propeller deice ammeter will not
indicate a load while the propeller deice system is being
utilized in the manual mode. I-However, each aircraft
loadmeter will indicate an approximate 10% increase in
load while the manual propeller deice system is
Pitot Heat
Pitot heat should not be used for more than
15 minutes while the aircraft is on the
ground. Overheating may damage the
heating elements.
Heating elements are installed in both pitot masts,
located on the nose. Each heating element is controlled
by an individual switch placarded PITOT, LEFT and
RIGHT ON, located on the overhead control panel (fig.
2-13). Circuit protection is provided by the two 7.5-
ampere circuit breakers, placarded PITOT HEAT, on the
overhead circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-7). The true
airspeed temperature probe heat control circuit is also
protected by these circuit breakers. If either left or right
pitot heat is on, the true airspeed temperature probe
heat will be on.
Heating elements protect the stall warning
lift Heating elements protect the stall
warning lift transducer vane and face plate
from ice. However, a buildup of ice on the
wing may change or disrupt the airflow and
indicating an imminent stall.
Stall Warning Heat. The lift transducer is
equipped with anti-icing capability on both the mounting
plate and the vane. The heat is controlled by a switch
located on the overhead control panel placarded STALL
WARN. The level of heat is minimal for ground
operation but is automatically increased for flight
operation through the landing gear safety switch Circuit
protection is provided by a 15-ampere circuit breaker,
placarded STALL WARN, on the overhead circuit
breaker panel (fig. 2-7).
The stall warning system consists of a transducer, a lift
computer, warning horn, and a test switch Angle of
attack is sensed by aerodynamic pressure on the lift
transducer vane located on the left wing leading edge
(fig. 2-1). When a stall is imminent, the output of the
transducer activates a stall warning hornr The system
has preflight test capability through the use of a switch
WARN TEST on the copilot's subpanel (fig. 2-6).
Holding this switch in the STALL WARN TEST position
actuates the warning horn by moving the transducer
vane. The circuit is protected by the 5-ampere circuit
breaker, placarded STALL located on the overhead
circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-7).
Description. The heated-air brake deice system
may be used in flight with gear retracted or extended, or
on the ground. When activated, hot air is diffused by
means of a manifold assembly over the brake discs on
each wheel. Manual and automatic controls are
provided. There are two primary occasions which
require brake deicing. The first is when an aircraft has
been parked in a freezing atmosphere allowing the
brake systems to become contaminated by freezing
rain, snow, or ice, and the aircraft must be moved or
taxied. The second occasion is during flight through
icing conditions with wet brake assemblies which are
presumed to be frozen, which must be thawed prior to
landing to avoid possible tire damage and loss of
directional control. Hot air for the brake deice system
comes from the compressor stage of both engines
obtained by means of a solenoid valve attached to the
bleed air system which serves both the surface deice
system and the pneumatic systems operation
Operation. A switch located on the overhead
control panel (fig. 2-13), placarded BRAKE ON,
controls the solenoid valve by routing power through a
control module box under the aisleway floorboards. The
system is protected by a 5-ampere circuit breaker on the
overhead circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-7), placarded
BRAKE DEICE A 10-minute timer limits operation and
avoids excessive wheel well temperatures when the
landing gear is retracted.