TM 1-1510-223-10
1. Range Switches
2. Rain Echo Attenuation Compensation Technique Pushbutton Selector Switch
3. Attitude Stabilization Pushbutton Selector Switch
4. Target Alert Pushbutton Selector Switch
5. Sector Scan Angle Pushbutton Selector Switch
6. Antenna Tilt Angle Control
7. Lightning Sensor System Mode Selector Switch
8. Radar System Mode Selector Switch
9. Radar Receiver Gain Control
Figure 3-29. Weather Radar/Lightning Sensor System Control Panel
In the weather detection mode, precipitation intensity
levels are displayed in four colors, contrasted against a
deep black background. Areas of very heavy rainfall will
appear in magenta, heavy rainfall in red, less severe in
yellow, light rain in green, and little or no rainfall in black
(background). The correlation of precipitation intensity
and the color of displayed weather is shown in table 3-12.
Range marks with identifying numerics, displayed in
white, are provided to facilitate evaluation of storm cells.
Selection of the ground mapping (GMAP) function will
cause system parameters to be optimized to improve
resolution and enhance identification of small targets at
short range. The reflected signal from ground surfaces
will be displayed as magenta, yellow, or cyan (most to
least reflective).
a. Radar Control Panel Controls, Indicators, and
(1) Range switches. Two momentary-contact
pushbutton switches (placarded with an up arrow on the
left switch, and a down arrow on the right), are used to
select the operating range of the radar (and the lightning
sensor system). By depressing the switches, ranges of
5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 300 nautical miles with corre-
sponding range marks may be selected. Ranges of 600
and 1200 nautical miles are available if the radar system
mode selector switch is in the FP position.
(2) Rain echo attenuation compensation tech-
nique pushbutton selector switch. The rain echo attenua-
tion compensation technique (REACT) pushbutton
selector switch, placarded RCT, is used to enable or
disable the REACT function of the radar system. When
the RCT mode has been activated, receiver gain is auto-
matically adjusted according to received signal strength.
When receiver is in calibrated range, displayed colors
are as in weather mode. When calibration range is ex-
ceeded, background will be in blue for the affected areas.
Signals in the uncalibrated range will be displayed as a
level three (red). REACT mode may be activated in all
radar ranges. When activated, RCT will be annunciated
on the EHSI.
(3) Attitude stabilization pushbutton selector
switch. The alternate-action, attitude stabilization push-
button selector switch, placarded STAB is used to enable
or disable attitude stabilization of the radar image. When
stabilization is selected off, an OFF annunciator above
the STAB switch will illuminate.
(4) Target alert pushbutton selector switch. The
alternate-action, target alert pushbutton selector switch,
placarded TGT is used to enable or disable the radar
target alert feature. When the target alert function has