TM 1-1510-218-10
operated by manually actuating either the pilot's or
copilot's control wheel. Electric switches are installed
in the outboard grip of each wheel to operate the
elevator trim tabs. These control wheels are installed
on each side of the instrument subpanel. A
microphone switch is incorporated in each control
wheel. A manual wind 8-day clock is installed in the
center of each wheel. A map light switch is mounted
adjacent to the clock in each wheel. Refer to Figure
2-22, Sheet 1.
b. Elevator And Aileron Control Surfaces D2 .
Elevator and aileron control surfaces are operated by
manually actuating either the pilot's or copilot's control
wheel, or through the automatic flight control system.
Electric switches are installed in the grips of the control
wheels to operate the elevator trim tabs; to disengage
the autopilot yaw damp; to activate the go-around
mode (copilot only); press to talk microphone switch;
touch control steering and checklist line advancement.
A manual wind 8-day clock is installed in the center of
each wheel. A map light switch is mounted adjacent to
the clock in each wheel. Refer to Figure 2-22,
Sheet 2.
c. Elevator And Aileron Control Surfaces T1.
Elevator and aileron control surfaces are operated by
manually actuating either the pilot's, or copilot's control
wheel, or through the automatic flight control system.
Electric switches are installed in the grips of the control
wheels. The microphone, electric elevator trim, and
autopilot/yaw damp disconnect switches are located
on the outboard grip of each control wheel. Only a line
advance switch is located on the inboard grip of the
pilot's wheel. A line advance switch, and a touch
control steering switch is located on the inboard grip of
the copilot's wheel. A touch control steering switch is
located on the outboard grip of the pilot's control
wheel. A manually wound 8-day clock is installed in
the center of the pilot's wheel, whereas a DC powered
digital clock/timer is installed in the center of the
copilot's wheel. A map light switch is mounted
adjacent to the clock in each wheel, Figure 2-22,
Sheet 3.
d. Elevator And Aileron Control Surfaces T2 .
Elevator and aileron control surfaces are operated by
manually actuating either the pilot's or copilot's control
wheel, or through the automatic flight control system.
Electric switches are installed in the grips of the control
wheels. The microphone, electric elevator trim, touch
control steering (pilot's control wheel), go-around
(copilot's control wheel), and autopilot/yaw damp
outboard grip of each control wheel. An ident button
(pilot's control wheel), map button, and touch control
button (copilot's control wheel) are located on the
inboard grip. Both control wheels contain identical DC
powered digital clock/timers. Each control wheel
incorporates a bracket to allow mounting a chart
holder, Figure 2-22, Sheet 4.
e. Control Wheel Chart Holder T2 . An
illuminated, quick release chart holder is provided and
can be installed on either the pilot's or copilot's control
wheel. The chart holder provides a means of securing
charts, maps, or small handbooks in an easily
accessible and visible location. An L-shaped bracket
assembly with a stud-type latch fastener secures the
control wheel chart holder to the control wheel.
Illumination for reading charts, maps, or handbooks is
provided by an adjustable lightbar mounted on the left
side of the chart holder. Lights for reading the two
digital clocks are located above each clock. Lightbar
and clock lights are illuminated by pressing the control
wheel map light switch.
When the chart holder is installed the control
wheel clock is not visible. However, a battery powered
clock/stopwatch and digital timer are provided as part
of the chart holder assembly. The clock/stopwatch,
located on the upper left portion of the chart holder,
indicates 12 (AM/PM) or 24 hour time/date/month/ and
may also be used as a stopwatch. The 12 hour time is
indicated by an AM or PM flag located on the left side
of the display. The digital timer, located on the upper
right, serves as a digital stopwatch/elapsed time timer.
Pressing the mode select button on the back of the
chart holder clamp initiates the clock set, and 12 or 24
hour mode. The SELECT and SET buttons on the
chart holder face are used to set the time, date, and
The START/STOP button on the chart holder
face is used to start and stop the digital timer. The
RESET/LAP button is used to reset the timer to zero,
and/or to read elapsed time. Rheostat-type dimmer
switches, located behind the clock and timer, regulates
light intensity for the lightbar and clocks. The left
rheostat controls the lightbar intensity, whereas the
right rheostat controls illumination for the clocks.
A power cable supplies electrical power to the
chart holder lights when the power cable plug is
inserted in the power outlet on either the pilot's or
copilot's control wheel. The chart holder electrical
circuit is protected through a circuit breaker, placarded
SUBPNL & CONSOLE, located on the overhead
circuit breaker panel. The clocks operate separately
from aircraft power.
The chart holder may be removed from the
control wheel and stored as required, however, the
mounting brackets remain secured to the control