TM 1-1510-218-10
aircraft is 85 KIAS. Therefore, the Vref speed is 1.3
times 85 = 110.5 and is rounded up to 111 KIAS.
For this example with Flaps DOWN enter the Vref
speed, 98 KIAS at the appropriate place on the TOLD
(16) Vapp Speed. This is the intended final
approach speed. It is Vref plus 20 KIAS for a normal
instrument approach; Vref plus 10 KIAS for a stabilized
approach; and, Vref to Vref plus 10 KIAS for a visual
approach as determined by the PC.
For this example, the landing is planned with the
Flaps DOWN so the Vref is 98 KIAS. The weather
conditions are such that a normal instrument approach
back into the departure airport is planned in the event
of a takeoff emergency. Therefore, the Vapp will be Vref
plus 20 KIAS.
Vref is 98 KIAS + 20 KIAS = Vapp 118 KIAS.
Enter this speed in the appropriate block on the TOLD
(17) Landing
measured from the landing touchdown, required to
land the aircraft and stop. Use Figure 7A-107,
Landing Distance Without Propeller Reversing - Flaps
Do not use a headwind or headwind
component in calculating landing distance.
But, if a downwind landing is required,
then ensure the tailwind is factored.
TEMPERATURE ~ ºC, +30 ºC. Trace up until
intersecting the correct PRESSURE ALTITUDE ~
FEET line, 4000 feet. Trace horizontally to the right
until intersecting the first REFERENCE LINE.
Maintain the same relative position between the
guidelines and trace down until intersecting the aircraft
weight line. From that point, trace horizontally to the
DISTANCE ~ FEET scale to determine the landing
For this example, the landing weight is 12,600
pounds. Assuming a takeoff emergency, the landing
weight may exceed the landing weight limit of 12,500
The landing distance is 2,120 feet.
Enter that number, 2,120 feet, in the appropriate
block of the TOLD card. Remember, if the landing is
planned for touchdown to be at the 1000-foot markers,
then 3,120 feet will be required to accomplish this
landing with full flaps. Refer to Figure 7A-4 for an
example of a completed TOLD card front.
Figure 7A-4. TOLD Card Front (Example
c. Performance Planning, Cruise. Normal
Cruise Power, 1700 RPM charts beginning at Figure
7A-34 are normally used for cruise performance
planning. Use Figure 7A-11, ISA Conversion, to
determine the correct chart, relative to ISA, for cruise
performance planning. For this example, the mission
is planned to be flown at FL240.
(1) If a weather forecast provides the
forecast temperature at the cruise altitude, enter
Figure 7A-11 at that temperature. Trace up until
intersecting the planned PRESSURE ALTITUDE ~
FEET. At that point, determine the closest ISA +/-