TM 1-1510-218-10
26. Fuel Control Unit
27. Fuel Control Unit Control Rod
28. Starter Generator Leads
29. Engine Driven Fuel Pump
30. Power Control Lever
31. Prop Interconnect Linkage (Aft)
32. Oil Pressure Transducer
33. Engine Mount
34. Fireshield
35. Trim Resistor Thermocouple
36. Prop Interconnect Linkage (Fore)
37. Prop Shaft
38. Tach Generator
39. Chip Detector
40. Oil Pressure Tube
41. Fire Extinguisher Line
42. Ignition Exciter Plug
43. Engine Mount Bolt
44. Linear Actuator
45. Engine Baffle and Seal Assy
46. Fuel/Oil Heater
47. Tach-Generator (Aft)
48. Drain Manifold
49. Overhead Breather Tube
50. Engine Truss Mounting Bolt
Figure 2-14. Engine (Sheet 2 of 2)