TM 1-1510-218-10
Figure 2-11. Cabin Door and Cabin Emergency Hatch C
b. Cabin Door D T . A swing-down door,
hinged at the bottom, provides a stairway for normal
and emergency entry and exit. Refer to Figure 2-12.
Two of the steps are movable and fold flat against the
door in the closed position. A step folds down over the
doorsill when the door opens to provide a platform
(step) for door seal protection. A plastic encased
cable provides support for the door in the open
position, a handhold, and a convenience for closing
the door from inside. A hydraulic damper permits the
door to lower gradually during opening. A rubber seal
around the door seals the pressure vessel while the
aircraft is in flight. The door locking mechanism is
interconnected handles, one inside, and the other
outside the door. When either handle is rotated, three
rotating-cam-type latches on either side of the door
capture posts mounted on the cargo door. In the
closed position, the door becomes an integral part of
the cargo door. A button adjacent to the door handle
must be pressed before the handle can be rotated to
open the door. A bellows behind the button is inflated
when the aircraft is pressurized to prevent accidental
unlatching and/or opening of the door. A small round
observation of the pressurization safety bellows. A
placard adjacent to the window instructs the operator
to ensure the safety lock arm is in position around the
bellows shaft, which indicates a properly locked door.
Pushing the red button switch adjacent to the window
will illuminate the inside door mechanism. A CABIN
DOOR annunciator light in the caution/advisory panel
will illuminate if the door is not closed and all latches
fully locked. The cabin door may be removed for flight
by installing Beech Aircraft Corporation Kit 100-4006.
Flights with the door removed must be in accordance
with the FAA approved flight manual supplement,
which accompanies this kit.