TM 1-1510-218-10
the floor and is used when an alternate extension of
the gear is required. Refer to Figure 2-10.
To engage the system, pull the LANDING GEAR
CONTROL circuit breaker, located on the overhead
circuit breaker panel, and ensure that the LDG GEAR
CONTROL D2 T1 or LDG GEAR CONTR T2 handle is
in the DN position. Remove the extension lever from
the securing clip and pump the lever up and down until
the three green D2 T1 or NOSE / L / R T2 gear down
indicator lights illuminate. As the handle is moved,
hydraulic fluid is drawn from the hand pump suction
port of the power pack and routed through the hand
pump pressure port to the actuators. After an
alternate extension of the landing gears, ensure the
extension lever is in the full down position prior to
stowing the pump handle in the retaining clip. When
the pump handle is stowed, an internal relief valve is
actuated to relieve the hydraulic pressure in the pump.
After an emergency landing gear extension
has been made, do not move any landing
gear controls, or reset any switches or
circuit breakers until the aircraft is on
jacks, since the failure may have been in
the gear-up circuit and the gear might
retract on the ground.
If for any reason the green NOSE-L-R
GEAR DOWN indicators do not illuminate
(e.g., in case of an electrical system
failure), continue pumping until sufficient
resistance is felt to ensure that the gear is
down and locked. Do not stow the
extension lever, but leave it in the full up
After a practice alternate extension, stow the
CONTROL circuit breaker, and retract the gear in the
normal manner with the landing gear control handle.
i. Tires.
(1) C C-12C aircraft are equipped with dual
18 x 5.5, 8 ply rating tubeless rim inflation tires on
each main gear and a 6.50 x 10, 6 ply rating tubeless
tire on the nose wheel.
(2) D T
The C-12D/T1/T2 aircraft are
equipped with dual 22 x 6.75 x 10, 8-ply rated tubeless
rim inflation tires on each main gear and a 22 x 6.75 x
10, 8-ply rated tubeless tire on the nose wheel.
The aircraft can be maneuvered on the ground
by the steerable nose wheel system. Direct linkage
from the rudder pedals to the nose wheel steering
linkage allows the nose wheel to be turned 12° to the
left of center or 14° to the right. When rudder pedal
steering is augmented by the main wheel braking
action, the nose wheel can be deflected up to 48°
either side of center. Shock loads, which would
normally be transmitted to the rudder pedals, are
absorbed by a spring mechanism in the steering
linkage. Retraction of the landing gear automatically
centers the nose wheel and disengages the steering
linkage from the rudder pedals. Refer to Figure 2-10.