CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-1-1510-218-10_9AIRCRAFT DESIGNATION SYSTEM. - TM-1-1510-218-10_10NORMAL PROCEDURES. CHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS AND OPERATION - TM-1-1510-218-10_12Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement C D1 (Sheet 1 of 3) Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement D2 (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement T (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 2-2. Typical General Interior Arrangement Figure 2-3. Principal Dimensions C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 2-3. Principal Dimensions D T (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 2-4. Typical Turning RadiusMAXIMUM WEIGHTS. Landing Gear Position Warning Lights.Figure 2-5. Exhaust and Propeller Danger Areas Figure 2-6. Subpanels C D1Landing Gear Warning HornFigure 2-7. Control Pedestal C DLANDING GEAR SYSTEM D2 T Figure 2-8. Subpanels D2 (Sheet 1 of 3) Figure 2-8. Subpanels T1 (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2-8. Subpanels T2 (Sheet 3 of 3)Landing Gear Warning Horn Test Switch.STEERABLE NOSE WHEELFigure 2-9. Control Pedestal D2 (Sheet 1 of 3) Figure 2-9. Control Pedestal T1 (Sheet 2 of 3) Figure 2-9. Control Pedestal T2 (Sheet 3 of 3) Figure 2-10. Cockpit Typical D TWHEEL BRAKE SYSTEM. Cabin DoorFigure 2-12. Cabin Door and Cabin Emergency Hatch D TEmergency.CABIN DOOR CAUTION LIGHTFigure 2-13. Pilots and Copilots Seats Section II. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT - TM-1-1510-218-10_42Figure 2-14. Engine (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 2-14. Engine (Sheet 2 of 2) FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE CONTROL - TM-1-1510-218-10_45figure 2-15 Overhead Control Panelfigure 2.15 Overhead control panel T2 (sheet 2 of 2)FRICTION LOCK KNOBSfigure 2-16 overhead circuit breaker panel - TM-1-1510-218-10_49figure 2-16 Overhead circuit breaker panel - TM-1-1510-218-10_50figure 2-16 Overhead Circuit Breaker Panel - TM-1-1510-218-10_51figure 2-16 Overhead Circuit Breaker Panel - TM-1-1510-218-10_52ENGINE FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS T2 . figure 2-17 Instrument Panel - TM-1-1510-218-10_54figure 2-17 Instruction Panelfigure 2-17 Instrument Panel - TM-1-1510-218-10_56figure 2-17 Intrument PanelENGINE CHIP DETECTION SYSTEM.ENGINE STARTER GENERATORS. ENGINE INSTRUMENTS T .Percentage Engine Torquemeters.Engine Oil Pressure and Temperature Indicator.ENGINE TREND MONITOR.figure 2-18 Fuel SystemStandby Fuel PumpsFuel Gauging System.Figure 2-19. Fuel Management Panel T2 (Sheet 2 of 2)Fuel Tank Sump Drains.FUEL SYSTEM MANAGEMENT - TM-1-1510-218-10_69Figure 2-20. Gravity Feed Fuel Flow Figure 2-21. Crossfeed Fuel Flow - TM-1-1510-218-10_71FERRY FUEL SYSTEMElevator And Aileron Control SurfacesFigure 2-22. Control Wheels C D1 (Sheet 1 of 4) Figure 2-22. Control Wheels D2 (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 2-22. Control Wheels T1 (Sheet 3 of 4) Figure 2-22. Control Wheels T2 (Sheet 4 of 4) RUDDER SYSTEM.TRIM TABS. Section VI. PROPELLERS PROPELLER GOVERNORS. SYNCHROSCOPE. PROPELLER TACHOMETERS.Section VII. UTILITY SYSTEMS - TM-1-1510-218-10_84PROPELLER ELECTRIC DEICE SYSTEM T2 BRAKE DEICE SYSTEM. FUEL SYSTEM ANTI-ICINGPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM. OXYGEN SYSTEM C OXYGEN SYSTEM D T . Passenger Oxygen.Figure 2-24. Oxygen System Servicing Pressure Chart Table 2-5. Oxygen Flow Planning Rates vs Altitude Table 2-6. Oxygen Duration in Minutes for 49 Cubic Foot SystemTable 2-6. Oxygen Duration in Minutes for 49 Cubic Foot System (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_95Table 2-6. Oxygen Duration in Minutes for 49 Cubic Foot System (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_96Figure 2-25. Oxygen System C (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 2-25. Oxygen System D T (Sheet 2 of 2) WINDSHIELD WIPERS - TM-1-1510-218-10_99Section VIII. HEATING, VENTILATION, COOLING, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM - TM-1-1510-218-10_100Figure 2-26. Environmental System - TM-1-1510-218-10_101AIR CONDITIONINGCooling Mode - TM-1-1510-218-10_103Section IX. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Figure 2-27. DC Electrical System Schematic C D1Table 2-7. DC Electrical SystemTable 2-7. DC Electrical System C D1 (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_107Table 2-7. DC Electrical System C D1 (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_108Figure 2-28. DC Electrical Syst em Schematic D2 T1 (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 2-28. DC Electrical System Schematic T2 (Sheet 2 of 2) Table 2-8. DC Electrical System D2 Table 2-8. DC Electrical System D2 (Continued) Table 2-9. DC Electrical System T1 - TM-1-1510-218-10_113Table 2-9. DC Electrical System T1 - TM-1-1510-218-10_114Table 2-10. DC Electrical System T2 Table 2-10. DC Electrical System T2 (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_116Table 2-10. DC Electrical System T2 (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_117Battery Monitor.Security Keylock Switch.Figure 2-29. AC Electrical System Schematic Diagram C D1 (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-29. AC Electrical System Schematic Diagram D2 (Sheet 2 of 3) Figure 2-29. AC Electrical System Schematic Diagram T (Sheet 3 of 3)Section X. LIGHTING - TM-1-1510-218-10_123Figure 2-30. Exterior Lighting Typical Cockpit Lighting.Cabin Lighting. Section XI. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Figure 2-31. Pitot and Static System FREE AIR TEMPERATURE GAUGETable 2-11. C-12 Warning Annunciator PanelsTable 2-12. C-12 Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panels Table 2-12. C-12 Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panels (Continued)Table 2-12. C-12 Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panels (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_133Table 2-12. C-12 Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panels (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_134Section XII. SERVICING, PARKING, AND MOORING - TM-1-1510-218-10_135APPROVED FUEL TYPES.Figure 2-32. Vent / Drain Locations Table 2-13. Approved Fuels Table 2-14. Approved Military Fuels, Oil, Fluids, and Unit CapacitiesSERVICING OIL SYSTEM. Figure 2-33. Servicing Locations INFLATING TIRES - TM-1-1510-218-10_142ANTI-ICING, DEICING AND DEFROSTING PROTECTION.APPLICATION OF EXTERNAL POWER. GROUND HANDLING - TM-1-1510-218-10_145INSTALLATION OF PROTECTIVE COVERS - TM-1-1510-218-10_146Mooring Procedures for High Winds.Figure 2-34. Mooring CHAPTER 3 AVIONICS (COMMON) C D T1 T2 Section I. GENERALSection III. NAVIGATION - TM-1-1510-218-10_150Figure 3-1. KLN 90B Controls Figure 3-2. KLN 90B External Switches and Annunciators T2 (Sheet 3 of 3) Database-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_153Database-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_154Turn-On and Self-Test.Altimeter Setting.Display Format. Table 3-1. Left Side Types Message PageSelecting Waypoints.Figure 3-7. Nearest Airport Page Selecting Waypoints by Name or City. Table 3-3. Abbreviations Recentering The Deviation Bar. Figure 3-10. NAV 1 Page (Flight Plan Operation) Figure 3-11. NAV 3 PageMinimum En Route Safe Altitude-cont.Figure 3-14. NAV 5 PageFigure 3-16. Super NAV 5 Page Figure 3-17. Super NAV 5 Page (Waypoint Identifiers) Table 3-4. Special Use Airspace Airport Pages.Figure 3-22. Primary APT 3 Page Table 3-8. Frequency Abbreviations (Continued) Figure 3-24. APT 4 Page (BEL)Table 3-11. Oxygen Services Figure 3-27. Intersection Page Supplemental Waypoint Page. Figure 3-31. APT 3, User Defined Airport Waypoint Page Figure 3-32. User Defined VOR Waypoint PageFlight Plans.Figure 3-37. Flight Plan and Waypoint Page Adding A Waypoint To A Flight Plan.Operating From The Active Flight Plan.Turn Anticipation And Waypoint Alerting. Figure 3-47. DIRECTTO Navigation Distance/Time 2 Page.Selecting The Mode.Figure 3-53. OBS Mode Indications Going Direct To A Waypoint While In The OBS ModeChanging The CDI Scale Factor. Transition To The Approach Active ModeFigure 3-58. Selecting the Initial Approach Fix Figure 3-59. Approach WaypointsTable 3-15. Approach Waypoint Naming Conventions Figure 3-63. Change the Approach Figure 3-67. Load the Approach The KLN 90B will provide waypoint On Airport Navaid Approach. DME Arc Approach. Figure 3-70. DME ARC Approach Problems. SID/STAR Procedures.Selecting a SID.The Other Pages. Deleting A User Waypoint.Figure 3-75. OTH 5 Page Figure 3-79. OTH 9 Page The Setup Pages.The Setup 2 Page.Figure 3-82. SET 2 Page Set Time The Setup 6 Page. The Trip Planning PagesEntering Data. The Trip Planning 3 And 4 Pages.The Trip Planning 5 And 6 Pages.The Calculator Pages.Figure 3-98. CAL 3 Page The Calculator 5 PageFigure 3-101. CAL 6 Page Figure 3-103. Pilot Designated Point Figure 3-106. Reference Waypoint Name Figure 3-110. Insert Center Waypoints Figure 3-112. STA 2 Page BAD SATELLITE GEOMETRY SEE EPE ON STA 2 PAGERECYCLE POWER TO USE CORRECT DATABASE DATAWAYPOINTSection IV. RADAR AND TRANSPONDER - TM-1-1510-218-10_228Figure 3-114. 120 Weather Mode Figure 3-116. Options Test Mode Navaid Option.TRANSPONDER SET (AN/APX-100). Figure 3-121. Transponder Control Panel (AN/APX-100) MODE 2 CODE SelectorsMASTER Control NORMShutdown Procedure - TM-1-1510-218-10_236CHAPTER 3A AVIONICS Controls and Functions, Pilot's Audio Control Panel.MKR BCN HI / LO Switch.UHF COMMAND SET (AN/ ARC-164).Figure 3A-3. UHF Command Set (AN/ARC-164) Normal Operation - TM-1-1510-218-10_242MANUAL.VHF COMMAND SET (VHF-20B).VHF COMMUNICATIONS TRANSCEIVERS (VHF-22D).Operating Procedures.Table 3A-1. VHF Communications Transceiver Control UnitChannel/Frequency Scheme (118.000 To 136.992 MHz Range)Overtemperature ProtectionHF COMMAND SET (718U-5). Figure 3A-6. HF Control Panel Operator Maintenance.EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT)RADIO MAGNETIC INDICATORS (RMI).PILOT'S HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR. Figure 3A-8. Pilots Horizontal Situation Indicator Figure 3A-9. Copilots Horizontal Situation Indicator Figure 3A-10. Pilots Horizon Reference Indicator Figure 3A-11. Copilots Attitude IndicatorGYROMAGNETIC COMPASS SYSTEMSVOR RECEIVERS (VIR-30)Operation. - TM-1-1510-218-10_261Controls and Functions. ADF RADIO (KR 87).Controls and Functions. Operating Procedure. - TM-1-1510-218-10_265DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT SYSTEM (DME-40).Autopilot Mode Selector.Figure 3A-19. Autopilot Mode Selector Panel Controls and Functions, Control Wheel Switch.Autopilot Modes of Operation. Takeoff and Climbout.Front-Course Approach. Section IV. RADAR AND TRANSPONDER - TM-1-1510-218-10_273Controls and Functions. - TM-1-1510-218-10_274Fault Annunciations.Table 3A-4. Soft Failure Annunciations RADAR GRAPHICS. - TM-1-1510-218-10_277Controls and Functions.Operating Procedures. - TM-1-1510-218-10_279MILLIBARSFigure 3A-27. Ground Proximity Altitude Advisory System Controls and Indicator Normal Operation. - TM-1-1510-218-10_282GPAAS Modes of Operation.CHAPTER 3B AVIONICSAUDIO CONTROL PANELS.Figure 3B-1. Audio Control Panel GUARDEmergency OperationOperating ProceduresTable 3B-1. VHF Communications Transceiver Control UnitChannel/Frequency Scheme (118.000 To 136.992 MHz Range)Frequency Storage.HF COMMUNICATION SET (KHF-950). Figure 3B-4. HF Control Panel Channel ProgrammingSection III. NAVIGATION - TM-1-1510-218-10_295Controls/Indicators and Function.Figure 3B-6. Pilot's Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)Controls/Indicators and Function.PILOT'S ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATOR.Figure 3B-8. Pilot's Attitude Director Indicator COPILOT'S ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATOR.Symbolic Miniature AircraftRADIO ALTIMETER INDICATOR.NAV RECEIVERS (KFS-579A, KNR-634).NAV Receiver Operation.ADF RADIO SETS (KDF-806)Operating Procedure.GLOBAL POSITIONING S YSTEM (KLN 90B).AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM. - TM-1-1510-218-10_309Figure 3B-16. Flight Director/Mode SelectorBack Course Mode (BC).Autopilot Controller. Table 3B-3. Autopilot System Limits (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_313Table 3B-3. Autopilot System Limits (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_314Figure 3B-17. Autopilot Controller FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (KNS-660)Figure 3B-18. FMS Control Display Unit (KR 87) Dedicated Special Function Keys. Page Display Definitions.The method of operation field Flight Plan Pages.Waypoint Page.Waypoint Runway/Outer Marker Page. Waypoint Duplication Page.WIND Frequency 1 Page.Trip Planning Menu Page.VOR/DME/Status Page.State Line. Estimated Groundspeed Line Review Elements PageModify Data Base PageCopilot's HSIPilot's and Copilot's RMI. Procedure B. Reviewing the Data Base. Diskette reject buttonTable 3B-4. Methods of Operation Controls and FunctionsWEATHER RADAR (KWX-58) SYSTEMRADAR GRAPHICS. - TM-1-1510-218-10_341Controls and Functions. - TM-1-1510-218-10_342Operating Procedures. Error Correction.Figure 3B-23. Ground Proximity Altitude Advisory System Controls and Indicators GPAAS Modes of OperationTRANSPONDER SET (AN/APX-100)CHAPTER 3C AVIONICS T1 T2 Section I. GENERALSection II. COMMUNICATIONS - TM-1-1510-218-10_349Figure 3C-1. Audio Control Panel T1 Controls and Functions. - TM-1-1510-218-10_351Figure 3C-2. Audio Control Panel T2MKR BCN HI / LO / TESTV/UHF COMMUNICATIONS TRANSCEIVER (AN/ARC-210(V))VHF Transceiver Operating Controls (VHF-22C)Equipment Startup.Frequency Selection. Table 3C-3. Self-test Codes HF Transceiver Control/Display Unit Controls and Functions.Frequency Mode.EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (DM ELT8.1).Section III. NAVIGATION - TM-1-1510-218-10_362CURSOR.Figure 3C-5. Multi-Functional Display Control PanelELECTRONIC ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATOR.Figure 3C-6. ADI Display Symbology (Sheet 1 of 2) The pitch scale,Flight Director AnnunciationsFigure 3C-7. ADI Pitch ScaleTable 3C-4. Flight Director AnnunciationsRate of Turn Indicator. Fast/Slow Deviation and Pointer.ELECTRONIC HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR. Figure 3C-10. Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator HSI Graphic FormatCompass Rose (360).Course Source Distance Readout.EHSI Operations Figure 3C-11. HSI ARC Format (Off Display CRS, HDG, and Bearing) Figure 3C-13. Map Symbols FMS-800 Map Display OperationFigure 3C-14. 360 Degree MapTURN AND SLIP INDICATORSAltitude Alerter/Pre-Selector OperationGYROMAGNETIC COMPASS SYSTEMS (C14A)NAVIGATION RECEIVERS (KNR-634A)NAV/TACAN Control Unit (KFS-579A) OperationStandby Entry ModeActive Entry.ADF RECEIVER (KDF-806).Channel ModeChannel Mode. AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM (SPZ-4000)Navigation Mode (NAV)Figure 3C-20. Flight Director Mode Selector Indicated Airspeed Hold Mode (IAS).Table 3C-12. Operating Parameters Table 3C-12. Operating Parameters (Continued) Autopilot Controller (PC-400) Controls and Functions.FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NO. 1 (FMS-800)CDU OperationsFigure 3C-23. Control Display Unit Front PanelLine Select KeysTable 3C-14. Index and Flight Plan Edit Page ProceduresValid Data Ranges and Units for Entry and DisplayEntry and Display of Time and Date. Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad MessagesTable 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_408Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_409Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_410Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_411Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_412Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_413Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_414Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_415Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_416Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_417Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_418Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_419Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_420Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_421Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_422Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_423Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_424Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_425Table 3C-15. CDU Annunciations and Scratchpad Messages (Continued) - TM-1-1510-218-10_426Table 3C-17. Additional Alerts System InitializationFigure 3C-28. Start 2 Navigation/InitializationInitializing Configuration Functions.External Alert Configuration.Active Flight Plan Waypoints and Courses - TM-1-1510-218-10_432Flight Plan Waypoints. Table 3C-24. Inserting Flight Plan Waypoints in Sequence Procedure (Continued)Modifying Waypoint LocationsWaypoints with Duplicate Identifiers.Table 3C-29. Country CodesTable 3C-29. Country Codes (Continued) Table 3C-30. Attribute Designators TACAN EmulationFigure 3C-38. Lateral To-To Course Transitions with Automatic SequencingFigure 3C-39. Lateral Course Edit Figure 3C-40. Manual Sequencing and TACAN EmulationFigure 3C-41. Entry of a New FROM WaypointSpeed Command for Required Time of Arrival (RTA)Entry and Use of Waypoint WindFigure 3C-45. Oceanic Mission Pages Direct-To OperationsTable 3C-38. Direct-To a Flight Plan Waypoint ProcedureDirect-To Impromptu WaypointsDirect-To Vector From Present Position. Table 3C-41. Direct-To Vector From Present Position ProcedureParallel Offset Initiation, Termination, Or Change.Figure 3C-52. Entering and Deleting Parallel Course Offsets Waypoint Transition with Parallel OffsetsVertical Navigation.Figure 3C-55. Parallel Offset Transition with Large Course Change Figure 3C-56. Entry and Display of VNAV Parameters Table 3C-43. Entry and Display of VNAV Parameter Procedure Table 3C-44. VNAV Direct-To Procedure VNAV Guidance and AlertingFlight Instrument Displays.Additional Displays on Electronic Flight Instrument SystemsFigure 3C-62. CDU Course Display and HSI Course (CDU Desired Track) DisplayAlternate Flight Plan Overview.Figure 3C-64. Alternate Flight Plan Schedule Table 3C-47. Alternate Flight Plan Structure Figure 3C-66. Alternate Flight Plan Init and Fuel Pages Table 3C-49. Alternate Flight Plan Init and Fuel Page Procedure (Continued) Table 3C-50. Alternate Flight Plan Leg A Page ProcedureFigure 3C-69. Alternate Flight Plan Leg C Page Figure 3C-70. Alternate Flight Plan Load/Save Page Access Holding Patterns.Figure 3C-71. User-Defined Holding Pattern Definition Figure 3C-72. Required Entry Methods Figure 3C-73. Direct Entry Into a Holding Pattern Figure 3C-75. Parallel Entry Into a Holding PatternTable 3C-55. Designation of Holding Fix Procedure Holding Course Edits. Table 3C-56. Holding Present Position ProcedureTable 3C-57. Holding Airspeed and EFC Time Entry and Display Procedure SID's and STAR'sTable 3C-60. Active Flight Plan SID/STAR Procedure Figure 3C-82. Working Copy SID/STAR Procedure FMS ApproachesFigure 3C-84. Defining An Approach Figure 3C-86. Working Copy Approach DefinitionFigure 3C-87. Approach Execution Visual Approaches. Tactical ApproachesTable 3C-68. Tactical Approach Selection ProcedureFigure 3C-91. Visual/Tactical Approach and SequenceFigure 3C-93. DME Arc Flight PathFigure 3C-94. Case I: IAF Course Reversal Figure 3C-96. Extended FAF Course Reversal Figure 3C-97. Final Approach Vectoring Mission Flight Patterns.Designation of the Pattern Fix.Figure 3C-99. MFP Geometry Definitions MFP Pattern Course Edits.Intercept Operations.Figure 3C-101. Direct Intercept InsertionFigure 3C-102. Direct Intercept Figure 3C-104. Intercept Function CalculatorWaypoint ListTable 3C-74. User Waypoint List Access and Use ProcedureFromTo And Waypoint Data Pages.Figure 3C-108. FROM-TO Options for the Data Page (Examples Only) Table 3C-76. Data Page Access and Leg or Waypoint Scrolling/Selection Procedure (Continued) Figure 3C-110. Data For Option 1 Figure 3C-112. Data For Option 3 Figure 3C-114. Data For Option 4 (Via Flight Plan)Figure 3C-116. Data Page Displayed InformationFigure 3C-118. Pilot Lateral Steering PageTable 3C-81. Display of Navigation Mode on Position Pages Figure 3C-121. GPS Satellite DataTable 3C-84. GPS RAIM ProcedureNavigation Radio Information. Communication Radio Control. - TM-1-1510-218-10_519Table 3C-87. Preset Page Access and Usage Procedure Maritime Channels.V/UHF Airport Frequency Selection.Figure 3C-128. Tuning to Airport FrequenciesLoading Multiple Words of the Day.Table 3C-93. V/UHF FMT List Selection and Loading ProcedureTable 3C-95. HAVE QUICK I/II Net IdentifiersTable 3C-96. SINCGARS Page Access ProcedureTable 3C-97. Cue/Cold Page Access Procedure Figure 3C-135. Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator Free Format Line Table 3C-98. QUICK TUNE Push Button Example Procedure FMS1 Data Loader Operation. System Status.Table 3C-101. Detailed CDU Status Page Procedure Table 3C-102. System Failure Indications Table 3C-102. System Failure Indications (Continued) Table 3C-102. System Failure Indications (Continued)Table 3C-103. Timer Page Access and Usage Procedure (Continued)Table 3C-104. Model Aircraft Page Access and Usage Procedure Postflight Operations.PILOT'S ALTIMETER (BA-141).Operating Procedure. - TM-1-1510-218-10_541Section IV. RADAR AND TRANSPONDER - TM-1-1510-218-10_542BRIGHT / GAIN / MAX Control Knobs.Description.Figure 3C-145. Radar Graphics T1Operating Procedures - TM-1-1510-218-10_546Range SwitchesFigure 3C-147. Radar Control Unit (WC-650) and Multifunction Display (ED-600) MAP / PLAN Key. The MAP / PLAN MFD Weather Radar Normal Operation.Description. Normal Operation - TM-1-1510-218-10_552System Overview. Table 3C-107. TTC-920 Transponder/TCAS Control Switch Descriptions Table 3C-108. TVI-920 Transponder/TCAS Display Switch Functions Table 3C-109. TVI-920 Transponder/TCAS Display Symbols Table 3C-110. TVI-920 Transponder/TCAS Mode/Warning Flags and MessagesTable 3C-111. Aural Annunciator MessagesCorrective AdvisoryFigure 3C-153. TA ONLY Operational SituationFigure 3C-154. Corrective RA Operational SituationFailure IndicationsFigure 3C-157. Failure Indication DisplayOperating ProceduresFigure 3C-159. TCAS System TestAlternate Operating ProceduresCHAPTER 5 OPERATING LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONS - TM-1-1510-218-10_568Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings and Operating Limits - TM-1-1510-218-10_569Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings and Operating Limits - TM-1-1510-218-10_570Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings and Operating Limits - TM-1-1510-218-10_571Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings and Operating Limits - TM-1-1510-218-10_572Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings and Operating Limits (Sheet 5 of 7)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings and Operating Limits (Sheet 6 of 7)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings and Operating Limits AUTOPILOT LIMITATIONS.Section III. POWER LIMITS - TM-1-1510-218-10_577NOTES - TM-1-1510-218-10_578Table 5-2. Generator Limits Flight Altitude and DurationSection VI. MANEUVERING LIMITSOXYGEN REQUIREMENTSSection VIII. OTHER LIMITATIONS - TM-1-1510-218-10_583FDS 255 REQUIREMENTS.Section IX. REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS OF FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-218-10_585CHAPTER 6 WEIGHT/BALANCE AND LOADING - TM-1-1510-218-10_586Figure 6-1. Aircraft Compartments and Stations - TM-1-1510-218-10_587Figure 6-1. Aircraft Compartments and Stations - TM-1-1510-218-10_588Section III. FUEL/OIL - TM-1-1510-218-10_589Figure 6-2. Fuel Moment ChartSection IV. PERSONNEL - TM-1-1510-218-10_591Figure 6-3. Baggage MomentFigure 6-4. Personnel MomentsFigure 6-5. Cargo MomentFigure 6-5. Cargo Moment Section VI. CARGO LOADINGFigure 6-6. Cargo Loading Figure 6-6. Cargo LoadingFigure 6-7. Center of Gravity LimitationsFigure 6-8. Center of Gravity Limitations Above 12,500Figure 6-9. Cargo Restraint and Tiedown MethodSection VII. CENTER OF GRAVITYCHAPTER 7 PERFORMANCE DATA - TM-1-1510-218-10_603Figure 7-1. TOLD Card (Back) CLIMB GRADIENTFigure 7-2. TOLD Card Back (Example Completed) Figure 7-3. TOLD Card (Front) - TM-1-1510-218-10_607Climb Gradient Altitude. Figure 7-4. TOLD Card (Example Completed)The actual surface temperature figure 7-5 Takeoff Performence Planning Tabulantions-flapsfigure Takeoff Performance Planning Tabulations - TM-1-1510-218-10_612figure Takeoff Performance Planning Tabulations - TM-1-1510-218-10_613figure Takeoff Performance Planning Tabulations - TM-1-1510-218-10_614figure 7-9 Stall Speeds-Power IdleFigure 7-10. Temperature Conversion/Correction for CompressibilityFigure 7-11. ISA Conversion - TM-1-1510-218-10_617figure 7-12 Altimeter Position Error CorrectionFigure 7-13. Airspeed Calibration Normal System Ground Roll Figure 7-14. Takeoff Gross Weight Limit Flaps 0% (To Achieve 100 FPM One Engine Inoperative Rate-of-Climb At Liftoff) Figure 7-15. Takeoff Gross Weight Limit Flaps 40% (To Achieve 100 FPM One Engine Inoperative Rate-of-Climb At Liftoff) Figure 7-16. Minimum Take-Off Power at 2000 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted), (65 Knots)Figure 7-17. Minimum Take-Off Power at 2000 RPM (Ice Vanes Extended), (65 Knots) figure 7-18 Takeoff Distancefigure 7-19 Accelerate Stop Distance - TM-1-1510-218-10_625figure 7-19 Accelerate Stop Distance - TM-1-1510-218-10_626figure 7-21 Takeoff Distance-Flaps 40%figure 7-22 Accelerate-Stop Distancefigure 7-33 Accelerate-Go DistanceFigure 7-24. Line Speed Check During Takeoff Ground Runfigure 7-25 Climb-Two Enginesfigure 7-26 Climb- Two Enginesfigure 7-26 Climb- One Engine Inoperativefigure 7-28 Time/Distance to Cruise Climbfigure 7-29 Service Ceiling- One Engine Inoperativefigure 7-30 Landing Distance Without Properrel reversingfigure 7-31 Landing Distance without Propeller Reversing - TM-1-1510-218-10_637figure 7-31 Landing Distance without Propeller Reversing - TM-1-1510-218-10_638figure 7-31 Landing Distance without Propeller Reversing - TM-1-1510-218-10_639figure 7-34 Landing Distance With Propeller Reversingfigure 7-35 Landing Distance With Propeller ReversingFigure 7-36. Stopping Distance FactorsFigure 7-37. Cabin Altitude for Various Airplane AltitudesFigure 7-38. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7-39. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7-40. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7-41. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM - ISAFigure 7-42. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM - ISA + 10 CFigure 7-43. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM - ISA + 20 CFigure 7-44. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM - ISA + 30 CFigure 7-45. Recommended Cruise Power, 1700 RPM - ISA + 37 CFigure 7-46. Recommended Cruise Speeds 1700 RPMFigure 7-47. Recommended Cruise Power 1700 RPMFigure 7-48. Fuel Flow at Recommended Cruise Power 1700 RPMFigure 7-49. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7-50. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7-51. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7-52. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM - ISAFigure 7-53. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM - ISA + 10 CFigure 7-54. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM - ISA + 20 CFigure 7-55. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM - ISA + 30 CFigure 7-56. Recommended Cruise Power, 1800 RPM - ISA + 37 CFigure 7-57. Recommended Cruise Speeds 1800 RPMFigure 7-58. Recommended Cruise Power 1800 RPMFigure 7-59. Fuel Flow at Recommended Cruise Power 1800 RPMFigure 7-60. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7-61. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7-62. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7-63. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM - ISAFigure 7-64. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM - ISA + 10 CFigure 7-65. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM - ISA + 20 CFigure 7-66. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM - ISA + 30 CFigure 7-67. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM - ISA + 37 CFigure 7-68. Maximum Cruise Speeds 1900 RPMFigure 7-69. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 PRMFigure 7-70. Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPMfigure 7-71 Maximum Range Powerfigure 7-72 Maximum Range Powerfigure 7-73 Maximum Range Powerfigure 7-74 Maxumum Range Powerfigure 7-75 Maximum Range Powerfigure 7-76 Maximum Range Powerfigure 7-77 Maximum Range Powerfigure 7-78 Maximum Range PowerFigure 7-79. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISA 30 CFigure 7-80. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISA 20 CFigure 7-81. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISA 10Figure 7-82. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISAFigure 7-83. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISA +10 CFigure 7-84. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISA + 20 CFigure 7-85. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISA + 30 CFigure 7-86. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power - 1900 RPM, - ISA + 37 CCHAPTER 7A PERFORMANCE DATAPerformance Planning (Back of TOLD Card) - TM-1-1510-218-10_694Enter the left side of the graph at the OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATUREMaximum Allowable Takeoff Weight.Configuration. Runway Length Available.Figure 7A-4. TOLD Card Front (Example Completed)The actual surface temperature Figure 7A-5. Airspeed Calibration Normal System, Takeoff Ground Rollfigure 7A-6 Airspeed Calibrationfigure 7A-7 Altimeter Correctionfigure 7A-8 Airspeed Calibrationfigure 7A-9 Altimeter Correction-Alternate systemFigure 7A-10. Indicated Outside Air Temperature Correction ISAFigure 7A-11. ISA Conversionfigure 7A-12 Fahrenheit to Celcius Temperature Conversionfigure 7A-13 Stall SpeedsFigure 7A-14. Cabin Altitude for Various Airplane AltitudesFigure 7A-15. Takeoff Weight to Achieve Positive One-Engine-Inoperative Climb at Lift-Off, Flaps UPFigure 7A-16. Takeoff Weight to Achieve Positive One-Engine-Inoperative Climb at Lift-Off, Flaps APPROACHFigure 7A-17. Minimum Takeoff Power at 2000 RPM With Ice Vanes Retracted (65 Knots)Figure 7A-18. Minimum Takeoff Power With Ice Vanes Extended (65 Knots)figure 7A-19 Takeoff Flight PathFigure 7A-20. Wind Componentfigure 7A-21 Take-off Distance Flaps UPfigure 7A-22 Accelerate- Stop Flaps Upfigure 7A-23 accelerate-Go.Flaps UPfigure 7A-24 Net Gradient of Climb FlaPS upfigure 7A-25 Take-off Distance. Flaps Approachfigure 7A-26 Accelerate-Stop Flaps Approachfigure 7A-27 Acceleratefigure 7A-28 Net Gradient of Climb Flaps Approachfigure 7A-29 Climb-Two Engines Flaps UPfigure 7A-30 Climb-Two EnginesFigure 7A-31 Climb-One EngineFigure 7A-32. Service Ceiling One Engine Inoperativefigure 7A-33 Time Fuel and Distance to ClimbFigure 7A-34. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7A-35. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7A-36. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7A-37. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISAFigure 7A-38. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 CFigure 7A-39. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 CFigure 7A-40. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 CFigure 7A-41. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 CFigure 7A-42. Normal Cruise Speeds, 1700 RPMFigure 7A-43. Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPMFigure 7A-44. Fuel Flow At Normal Cruise Power, 1700 RPMfigure 7A-45 Range Profile-Normal Cruise PowerFigure 7A-46. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7A-47. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7A-48. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7A-49. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISAFigure 7A-50. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 CFigure 7A-51. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 CFigure 7A-52. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 CFigure 7A-53. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 CFigure 7A-54. Maximum Cruise Speeds, 1700 RPMFigure 7A-55. Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPMFigure 7A-56. Fuel Flow At Maximum Cruise Power, 1700 RPMfigure 7A-57 Range Profile-Maxium Cruise PowerFigure 7A-58. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7A-59. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7A-60. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7A-61. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISAFigure 7A-62. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 10 CFigure 7A-63. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 20 CFigure 7A-64. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 30 CFigure 7A-65. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 37 CFigure 7A-66. Normal Cruise Speeds, 1800 RPMFigure 7A-67. Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPMFigure 7A-68. Fuel Flow at Normal Cruise Power, 1800 RPM+figure 7A-69 Range Profile-Normal Cruise PowerFigure 7A-70. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7A-71. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7A-72. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7A-73. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISAFigure 7A-74. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 10 CFigure 7A-75. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 20 CFigure 7A-76. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 30 CFigure 7A-77. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPM, ISA + 37 CFigure 7A-78. Maximum Cruise Speeds, 1800 RPMFigure 7A-79. Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPMFigure 7A-80. Fuel Flow At Maximum Cruise Power, 1800 RPMfigure 7A-81 Range Profile-Maximum Cruise PowerFigure 7A-82. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-82. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 30 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-83. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-83. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 20 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-84. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-84. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA 10 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-85. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-85. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-86. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-86. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 10 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-87. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-87. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 20 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-88. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-88. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 30 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7A-89. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-89. Maximum Range Power, 1700 RPM, ISA + 37 C (Sheet 2 of 2)figure 7A-90 Range Profile- Maximum Range Powerfigure 7A-91 Range Profile-full Main and Auxiliary Tanksfigure 7A-92 Endurance Profile-full Main and Auxiliary Tanksfigure 7A-93 Range Profile-full Main Tanksfigure 7A-94 Endurance Profile -full Main Tanks]Figure 7A-95. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 30 CFigure 7A-96. Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 20 CFigure 7A-97. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA 10 CFigure 7A-98. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISAFigure 7A-99. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 10 CFigure 7A-100. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 20 CFigure 7A-101. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 30 CFigure 7A-102. One Engine Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power, 1900 RPM, ISA + 37 CFigure 7A-103. Pressurization Controller Setting for Landingfigure 7A-104 Holding timeFigure 7A-105. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Descendfigure 7A-106 Balked Landingfigure 7A-107 Normal Landing Distance Without Propeller reversing. flaps DOWNfigure 7A-108 Landing Distance Without Propeller reversing. flaps UPfigure 7A-109 Landing Distance Without Propeller reversing. flaps DOWNfigure 7A-110 Landing Distance Without Propeller reversing. flaps UPCHAPTER 8 NORMAL PROCEDURES - TM-1-1510-218-10_815BEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK.FUEL SAMPLEFigure 8-1. Exterior Inspection - TM-1-1510-218-10_818NOSE SECTION, AREA 2. - TM-1-1510-218-10_819RIGHT WING, AREA 3. - TM-1-1510-218-10_820FUSELAGE RIGHT SIDE, AREA 4.INTERIOR CHECK - TM-1-1510-218-10_822BEFORE STARTING ENGINES.-cont.FIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START)..ENGINE CLEARING - TM-1-1510-218-10_825SECOND ENGINE START (GPU START). - TM-1-1510-218-10_826BEFORE TAXIING. - TM-1-1510-218-10_827BEFORE TAXIING.-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_828BEFORE TAXIING.-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_829TAXIING - TM-1-1510-218-10_830BEFORE TAKEOFF - TM-1-1510-218-10_831Minimum Run Takeoff.AFTER TAKEOFF. - TM-1-1510-218-10_833DESCENT - TM-1-1510-218-10_834APPROACH - TM-1-1510-218-10_835LANDING - TM-1-1510-218-10_836ENGINE SHUTDOWN - TM-1-1510-218-10_837Section III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-218-10_838Section IV. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS - TM-1-1510-218-10_839Figure 8-2. Stall SpeedSection V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - TM-1-1510-218-10_841During Flight. - TM-1-1510-218-10_842DESERT OPERATION AND HOT WEATHER OPERATIONBefore Leaving Aircraft. ICING (SEVERE). - TM-1-1510-218-10_845Section VI. CREW DUTIES - TM-1-1510-218-10_846ARRIVAL BRIEFING. - TM-1-1510-218-10_847CHAPTER 8A NORMAL PROCEDURESBEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK - TM-1-1510-218-10_849FUEL SAMPLE AND OIL CHECK. - TM-1-1510-218-10_850LEFT WING, AREA 1.Figure 8A-2. Figure Exterior CheckNOSE SECTION, AREA 2. - TM-1-1510-218-10_853RIGHT WING, AREA 3. - TM-1-1510-218-10_854INTERIOR CHECK - TM-1-1510-218-10_855FIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START) - TM-1-1510-218-10_856SECOND ENGINE START (BATTERY START) - TM-1-1510-218-10_857ENGINE CLEARING.SECOND ENGINE START (GPU START). - TM-1-1510-218-10_859BEFORE TAXIING. - TM-1-1510-218-10_860Vacuum and pneumatic system Check.Elevator trim follow-up Check. - TM-1-1510-218-10_862BEFORE TAKEOFF - TM-1-1510-218-10_863AFTER TAKEOFF. - TM-1-1510-218-10_864DESCENT - TM-1-1510-218-10_865TOUCH AND GO LANDING.Section III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-218-10_867FLIGHT CONTROLS. - TM-1-1510-218-10_868figure 8A-3 figure stall Speeds-Power IdleSection V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - TM-1-1510-218-10_870During FlightPreparation for Flight.Typical Icing.ICING (SEVERE). - TM-1-1510-218-10_874DEPARTURE BRIEFING - TM-1-1510-218-10_875ARRIVAL BRIEFING. - TM-1-1510-218-10_876CHAPTER 9 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - TM-1-1510-218-10_877Figure 9-1. Emergency Exits and Equipment - TM-1-1510-218-10_878Engine Malfunction Before V1 (Abort)ENGINE SHUTDOWN IN FLIGHT - TM-1-1510-218-10_880LOW OIL PRESSURE - TM-1-1510-218-10_881Figure 9-2. Maximum Glide Distance - TM-1-1510-218-10_882ICE VANE FAILURE.SINGLE-ENGINE DESCENT/ARRIVAL - TM-1-1510-218-10_884PROPELLER FAILURE (OVER 2120 RPM)FUEL SYSTEM. - TM-1-1510-218-10_886ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCIES.EMERGENCY DESCENT - TM-1-1510-218-10_888Landing Gear Emergency Extension - TM-1-1510-218-10_889Gear-Up Landing (Gear Up or Unlocked).Landing With One Main Gear UnsafeLANDING WITH INOPERATIVE WING FLAPS (UP).Figure 9-4. Wing Swell Ditch Heading EvaluationTable 9-1. Ditching - TM-1-1510-218-10_894FLIGHT CONTROLS MALFUNCTION - TM-1-1510-218-10_895APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-1-1510-218-10_896APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS - TM-1-1510-218-10_897POWER TERMINOLOGY - TM-1-1510-218-10_898GRAPH AND TABULAR TERMINOLOGY - TM-1-1510-218-10_899WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY - TM-1-1510-218-10_900MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS.-cont.MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_902MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_903MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_904MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS-cont. - TM-1-1510-218-10_905METRIC SYSTEM AND EQUIVALENTS CHART