Figure 1. Runway lighting set installed - for operation in combat areas.Section II. LIGHT SET, OPERATIONAL AREA, AIRCRAFT: 1-1/2 KW; SUPPLEMENTARY EQUIPMENT: AIRFIELD RUNWAYFigure 4. Current regulator.Figure 5 . Exploded view of marker light assembly, s take mountedFigure 7. Runway lighting transformer.Figure 9. Hood for use in combat area-light patterns available from each setting of the selector knob.Figure 11. Light pattern of glide angle approach light.Figure 13. Runway light 8 loaded in 2-1/2 ton cargo truck.Figure 14. Mat set.Preparation for UseFigure 16. Aligning knock out holes with corresponding holes in adapter.Figure 17. Assembly bolted together with power cord inFigure 19. Circuit layout for airfield runway in a combat area.Figure 20. Transformer connected to power cables - normal operation.Figure 22. Transformer connected to power cables - use of female adapter.Figure 24. Installation of lighting fixture in combat area - reassemblying mounting adapterFigure 26. leveling Installation of lighting fixture in combat area -levelingFigure 28. Circuit layout for airfield runway in a noncombat area.Figure 29. Installation of lighting fixture in noncombat area - inserting fixture lead through top of cone.Figure 30. Installation of lighting fixture in noncombat area - inserting and adjusting fixture.Figure 32. Installation of lighting fixture in noncombat area - leveling.Figure 33. Dirt Packed against base of cone. - TB-43-01490024Figure 33. Dirt packed against base of cone. - TB-43-01490025Figure 35. Layout of obstacle light lot on the ground, prior to erection.Figure 36. Extending the mastFigure 37. Method of attaching guy cable to mast.Figure 39. Installation of power cable for mast mounted obstance light.Figure 40. Method of raising mast - two men in position.Figure 42. Method of raising mast - guy cable connection.Figure 43. Method of raising mast-mast in raised position with guy cables connected.Figure 45. Connection of obstacle light power cable to transformerSection III. LIGHT SET, OPERATIONAL AREA, AIRCRAFT: 1/2 KW SUPPLEMENTARY EQUIPMENT ,HELIPORT: PORTABLEFigure 47. Marker floodlight with hood-stake mountedFigure 48. Marker floodlight with hood - cone mounted.Figure 49. Heliport lighting set loaded in 2-1/2 ton cargo truck.Figure 50. Supplementary set for heliport lightingFigure 51. Circuit layout heliport in combat area.Operating ProcedureAPPENDIX A. REFERENCES - TB-43-01490041APPENDIX B. TROUBLESHOOTING, AIRFIELD RUNWAY SETSAPPENDIX B. TROUBLESHOOTING, AIRFIELD RUNWAY SETS-continuedAPPENDIX C. TROUBLESHOOTING, HELIPORT SETSTB-43-0149 Lighting Sets for Army Airfield Runways and Helicopter Manual