TB 43-0123
AN/APS-94E Radar Surveillance Set
navigation system or set manually. Identifying data from
1. Brief Description: Radar Surveillance Se AN/APS-
the data annotation system is recorded on the film to aid
9E, normally installed in the OV-D aircraft, is an airborne
n interpretation of the imagery. Provisions are included in
sidelooking radar which searches large land and coastal
the system to allow the observer real-time viewing of the
areas and produces permanent photoradar maps of
radar information on a monitor scope or near real-time
terrain on either or both sides of the aircraft flightpath.
viewing of the processed film on a back lighted viewer.
Two separate maps are produced simultaneously on the
When used in conjunction with a data link, the radar
same strip of film. Fixed terrain image is recorded on the
information is transmitted to a ground based receiving
left half of the film while both moving objects and fixed
system which has e capability to convert the received
terrain are superimposed on the light half drive. The film
signals back to film for near real-time viewing and
drive is controlled by ground speed and drift information
which is obtained automatically from the inertial