TB 43-0123
AN/ALQ-1 62(V)2
(Illustration Not Available)
AS-3554/ALQ-162M )................. Antenna (2 ea)
Brief Description:
The ANALQ-162(V)2
C-11080/ALQ-162(V) ................ Control
RT-1377/ALQ-162(V) ................ Receiver-Transmitter
against Surface-to-Air Missiles and Airborne interceptor
missiles that use Continuous Wave (CW) for guidance.
The CW signals detected by the system will be validated
Applicable Tools and Test Equipment:
and either jamming will be initiated and/or warning will be
Not Applicable.
given to the crew. The specific action taken by the
system is determined by warning and jamming
Applicable Publications:
thresholds preprogrammed in the system. Warning
TM 11-5865-229-12
/Jamming information will be visually displayed on the
TM 11-5865-229-20P
ANAPR-39 Radar Detecting Set Indicator. When
deployed, this system will replace the AN/APR-44M1 and
the AN/APR-44(V)3 Radar Warning Systems. Major
components of the ANALQ-162(V)2 are: