TB 43-0123
AN/ARN-149 Automatic Direction Finder System
Combined sense and
1. Brief Description: The AN/ARN-149(V)3 Automatic
Direction Finder system receives frequencies from 100 to
2199.5 kHz and indicates bearing information to the
2. Applicable Tools and Test Equipment:
transmitting station being received. This frequency range
includes the standard commercial broadcast AM stations
(550 to 1610 kHz) and the nondirectional beacons (NDB)
3. Applicable Publications:
(190 to 550 kHz range). The broadcast stations are
required to identify themselves periodically and are normally
TM 11-1520-210-23
located in known population areas; therefore, they
are valuable as a navigation tool. The low power NDB has
a limited range of 15 to 20 miles. Higher power NDB are
used as outer markers at some locations and generally
carry transcribed weather information or advisories.
Compass locators transmit 2-letter ID groups. The outer
marker transmits the first two characters, and the middle
locator transmits the last two letters of the localizer ID
group. Control of the AN/ARN-149(V)3 is provided by the
C-12192/ARN-149 control panel. The AN/ARN-149(V)3 is
comprised of the following components:
R-2382/ARN-149 ............................
Receiver assembly
MT-6583/ARN-149 .........................
C-12192/ARN-149 ..........................
ADF control panel