TB 43-0123
appendix aids in the identification of avionics items
and/or avionics tools and test equipment when only the
NSN is known.
1. Purpose. This bulletin is published to clarify the
requirements for logistics support of avionics systems,
subsystems and/or equipments installed in, or in
avionics components to the aircraft in which they are or
operational support of, Army aircraft and to assist in the
could be installed.
planning of such support. It also provides guidance to
field unit and major command personnel in the form of
Equipment Indicator Letters used when assigning
Army aircraft configuration data.
nomenclature to avionics equipment under the Joint
Electronics Type Designation System (JETDS).
pertinent avionics materiel data to provide, so far as
possible and practical, a single source handbook of
Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE)
avionics information in ready reference form.
introduced into the Army inventory by the Test
3. General.
Reduction Studies (IRS) and Item Process Reviews
(IPR). TMDE listed in this appendix is in AN type
designator sequence followed by manufacturers part
b. Section II. At This section is divided into functional
j. Appendix G. Alphabetical index of contents
groups and lists, by type number in alphanumeric
sequence, major avionics items (together with ground
related systems) with pertinent data paragraphed as
follows: (1) Brief description including purpose,
Program was initiated by DA to improve materiel
operational parameters, power requirements and such
readiness, reduce TMDE proliferation and obsolescence,
other data as may be appropriate, including a listing of
and reduce TMDE costs. These objectives are being
major components; (2) Applicable tools and test
accomplished by acquiring off-the-shelf electronic test
equipment-including those items both specialized and
equipment to replace the existing Army inventory of
common which are required at the various echelons of
general purpose TMDE.
maintenance (excluding depot) to support the avionics
systems; and, (3) Applicable publication-including
5. Explanation of Terms.
pertinent technical manuals, supply bulletins, etc.,
a. Maintenance Category. Abbreviations used for
applicable to the avionics system. For a specific listing
of current publications, the latest edition of DA PAM 25-
various echelons or maintenance are as follows:
30 should be consulted.
AVUM-Aviation Unit Maintenance
AVIM-Aviation Intermediate Maintenance
F-Direct Support, or
type and model number in alphanumeric sequence,
H-General Support
listing the avionics configuration as typically installed.
Some of the configurations shown pertain to aircraft or
retrofit programs which were still in development at the
6. References.
time of this printing. Therefore, these configurations are
subject to change.
a. AR 725-50. Requisitioning, Receipt and Issue
b. AR 750-1. Army Materiel Maintenance Policy and
components by type number or manufacturers number in
Retail Maintenance Operations.
alphanumeric sequence. Included in the listing is type
c. DA PAM 25-30. Consolidated Index of Army
number, nomenclature, National Stock Number (NSN),
line item number (LIN), source of supply (routing
d. SB 710-1-1. Standard Study Number System and
identifier code) (SOS), and component to end item cross
Replacement Factors.
e. Appendix B. This appendix is a list of tools and test
for the Maintenance of Army Materiel.
equipment required to support avionics systems by type
number or manufacturer's number in alphanumeric
7. Reporting of Errors. The reporting of errors and
sequence. Included in the listing is nomenclature. NSN,
recommendations for improving this publication is
LIN, SOS, applicable publications, end item supported
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
and commercial equivalent.
f. Appendix C. This appendix lists all the items
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) in the
back of this publication and forwarded directly to US
contained in Appendixes A and B in National Item
Identification Number sequence cross referenced to the
Monmouth, NJ 07703-5003.
corresponding type number or nomenclature.
I-1/(I-2 blank)