TM 55-4920-403-20&PC H A P T E R 3A V I A T I O N U N I T M A I N T E N A N C E I N S T R U C T I O N SSection I. GENERAL3-1. Descriptive Information.e. Information on care, repair and parts fora. Refer to TB 43-0124 for aviation unit mainte-the environmental control unit can be ‘found innance to be performed on the shelter.TM 5-4120-239-14.b. Maintenance of grinding machine can bef. Power cables may be field repaired using afound in the appropriate technical manuals andstandard blade screwdriver to replace connector. Refermanufacturer’s drawing 4920-EG-058 (figure D-4).c. Replace unserviceable components of shop set.g. Have an aircraft electrician or other qualifiedperson work on electrical parts of the shelter.d. Refer to the maintenance allocation chart(Appendix B) for aviation unit maintenance to beperformed on the shop set.Section Il. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS3-2. Shelter Maintenance. Inspect shelter care-fully for defects. Refer to TB 43-0124 and TM 11-5410-213-14P for repair procedures and replace-ment parts.3-3. Fixture Maintenance.a. Work Table. The worktable is part of the tool setand replacements may be ordered from the SupplyCatalog. Remove and save the mounting bolts, lagscrews and brackets (items 10, 17 and 25, figure D-1)from the original work table. Place the new worktableon the floor mounting plates (item 26, figure D-1) andinstall bolts. Bolt angle brackets (item 10, figure D-1) towall; then, using the bottom hole as a guide, drill thetable top and install lag screws.b. ECU Shipping Bracket. If the ECU shippingbracket or its straps are found to be unserviceable,remove the four bolts and Iockwashers securing it tothe floor, replace with a new bracket and reinstall thebolts and Iockwashers.c. ECU Shelf Assembly.(1) The ECU support cable assembly (item 12,figure D-2) may be replaced by drilling out the two blindrivets (item 85, figure D-2), removing the two screws(item 88, figure D-2) and removing the hook (item 101,figure D-2) from the “D” ring on the shelter. Positionthe new cable assembly and install the appropriatehardware. Be sure to crimp the hook over the “D’’ ringto secure it.(2) The ECU support shelf itself may bereplaced by removing the “D” ring as previouslyexplained and removing three screws (item 96,figure D-2). Reverse this procedure to install a newshelf support.(3) The hinge (item 69, figure D-2) may bereplaced by removing three screws (item 96, figure D-2)and drilling out 13 rivets (item 97, figure D-2). Rivetthe replacement hinge to the shelter and reinstallthree screws.d. Compressed Air Panel.(1) The plug assembly (item 9, figure D-2)may be replaced by drilling the rivet (item 84,Change 3 3-1
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